
After a series of indecive battles, Admiral Kloer Adalhaed risks everything to smash the Freslorfa fleet between her navy and the port of Drechdt, smashing them completely. This leads to the Peace of Drechdt which ends the war between the two baronies Duke Certe, wishing to take the stronghold of Drechdt but not wanting to waste men trying to take the fortifications, comes as liberator, saying that he will rid the Entaufhi of Duke Bo. Bishop-Prince Drechdter Tubeas opens the gates to him. With a weaker navy, Foresitter Ingsdter Jakub commissions Captain Gucklairscher Arni, an infamous pirate and sometimes merchant, with the commission to keep Duke Certe and his men supplied by sea. In return, Arni is given a monopoly on trade from Drechdt Duke Big, after consolidating his power, turns towards northern Entaufhi, secretly offering to reaffirm their rights and privilages if they open his gates to him, but publicly, the lords prevent to resist so that they can save their skins should things go poorly a second time for them. He takes Schtaugudt and Dechdt with out actual resistance.   Enchanted Item(s)
  • Vice of Drechdt
  • Blood Purse
  • Invasions: crony trolls   Tubeas Arni


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