Dungeon Random Encounters

Roll 2 d20s (one for each column) on this table every 30 minutes of in-game time, 30 seconds of combat or other particularly loud activity.
Roll Enemy Encounter Type
1 - 10 Nothing (ignore second column) Sign
11 - 14 Closet Active Threat Close Call
15 - 17 Most Common Monster Encounter (Walking In)
18 - 19 Special 1 Encounter (Walking in On)
20 Special 2 Encounter (Walking in On)

Enemy Column


There is no random encounter. Ignore the results of the second column.

Closest Active Threat

Find the closet room with a threat that can move.
  So, if the closet threat is a poison garden with only mushrooms, skip over it to the next closet room with squating orcs.

Most Common Monster

The encounter involves the most common monster in the dungeon or on the level. It will be noted at the beginning of the dungeon or the level's section.

Special 1 & 2

These encounters are unique and will be noted at the top of the dungeon or at the beginning of the level.

Encounter Type Column


The characters don't run into the encounter; they just run into a sign that it is there. This could be evidence of a battle (or slaughter) or simply tracks.

Close Call

If the characters don't do something to actively engage with the random encounter, it doesn't engage with them - simply moving on. This can either be because of indifference or the random encounter doesn't notice them.

Encounter (Walking In)

The random encounters walks in on (or into) the characters.

Encounter (Walking In On)

The characters walk in on (or into) the random encounter. Note that this means that the random encounter gets added to whatever room the characters next walk into.

Cover image: by Goran Gligovic


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