Gelliyl Vale

Invasions: hobgoblin skeletons   Probably the people with the closest relationship to their river were probably the people living along the Fyrs River, which is the river that runs down the Gelliyl Vale.   For thousands of years, this river connected the people of the Gelliyl Vale with the Eastern Sea (and Juwango beyond) with the Rhone Stronghold of Atta. The original people were Rhone that migrated down from the central plateau (who's name I can't be bothered to look up right now) and used the river as a major landmark and source of life.   The river was not very navigable due to the number of white-waters and waterfalls and it did flood pretty heavily in the spring months, being a major watershed for the snow in the high peaks but it did provide fish year around and, of course, good drinking water.   The river spirit of the Fyrs River is said to appear as an old man in the fall and winter but a wild youth in the spring. In the spring, you could gain its favor by wading into the water and catch fish or riding the falls and cataracts in a small boat. It is often said that a boast told within earshot of the river would be enforced by the river spirit itself.   In winter, you could gain its favor by unblocking ice pack to allow the water to flow again and, if you listened to the still flowing water or the cracks of the ice, you could hear the secrets of the year.


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