
The Gyisk are orcs split: half forces to fight for the Dominion of Drangsdt and the other half have become highland freedom fighters against the Dominion. Brother has been turned against brother but they're united by their drive to fight and to live, even if they disagree with the specifics of how that's done: bend the knee or fight for a better life.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Zealots, fighters, terrorists, freedom fighters, state police  

Who is Strong?

A leader  

What Does it Mean to be a Leader?

Someone who encourages people to keep going

Common Characteristics




Hear all, say nothing  


Admires endurance  

Preferred Loadout

The orcs of the Horde Council are used primarily as shock troops so they wear light armor and large weapons but, due to restrictions around what weapons can be wielded, these weapons are trauma weapons, like the maul.   For the New Horde, they have little to no armor except what they can get their hands on. Same with weapons but, for weapons, they can be improvised, with polearms and javelins being favored.   For both sides, guns have been completely discarded and the knowledge to make them is quickly being lost, but the long coats have become a symbol of the Horde Council - something co-opted and corrupted. As such, the Horde Council still wear the long coats, although they tend to be more elborate and stylized while the New Horde has completely discarded them.  

Other Things to Note


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