Humans Overview

The second is that I'm going to make the core value of the culture family. Humans don't think of themselves in units less than their family and the family is the highest good. What family means will depend on the culture, being more specific as you drill down. My initially thoughts are something along the lines of Vipling- the people you've fought alongside Rhone- your extended family Entaufhi, Welb, Frelorf - not sure yet Juwango, Al - not sure yet, maybe something related to physical space and land, like your neighborhood Heiwia, Meedt, Loch - Immediate family Drangsdt - not sure yet but I think the state - I'm leaning towards a defintion that is a little alien and unnatural Kiend, Sern, Plensch - who you take care of/land   In family disputes are, by default, settled within the family - including the ability to put members of the family to death. The law only steps in for inter family disputes and feuding.


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