
South Duchy
The marriage of Duke Lok and Duchess Korsi brought two hordes together, making them a force to behold: a rampaging army that seems hellbent on the destruction of everything in its path. At times diplomatic, but at other times without mercy, the Lokck-Korsik wish to purge their new home of all non-orcs so that they can settle it on their terms.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Reavers, raiders, xenophobic, arsonists, vandals, looters  

Who is Strong?

A leader  

What Does it Mean to be a Leader?

Someone who binds together

Common Characteristics




Do not sell your soul to things  


Desires a world without humans and elves  

Preferred Loadout

Despite their best efforts, the traditional orcish long coat has changed, with the Lokck-Korsik changing the materials from plant-based textiles (linen, cotton) to wool due. This change is due to the lack of plant-based textiles rather than the Lokck-Korsik adapting to the cold, mountainous environment. It retains the bright, primary colors with a secondary accent color as other orcish long coats.   The Lokck-Korsik favor light armor with shields used to defend against ranged attacks, particularly taking to the kite shield. This is because they're main mode of warfare is strikes and raids, which rely on mobility and speed.   The few times they have engaged in more serious warfare, they are able to utilize heavier armor, which is kept by the horde quartermasters and distributed as symbols of honor to their finest warriors.  

Other Things to Note


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