Overland Random Encounters


There is a baseline 2-in-6 chance of an encounter happening per Watch. If it does, roll on the following table.   However, if crossing near a hex with a location or monster, there is an additional chance of running into an encounter that relates directly to it. If passing within 1 hex gives a 1-in-6 chance of an encounter; passing through the hex gives a 3-in-6 chance. This is rolled on top of the / Watch chance.  



If you get this result, move up the rows of the table until you get a non " result: that is your result. So getting a 16 during the Day, means that the result is "Monster, Encounter".


Misfortune represents something outside of the characters control. It represents just straight up bad luck, whether that's forgetting a piece of equipment back at camp, rations spoiling early, their mule wandering around in the middle of the night, or some unexpected wear.   Misfortunes shouldn't be major and should be able to be overcome via skills and clever thinking.

Monster, Encounter

This means the players run straight into the monster (or it runs straight into them).  

Monster, Sign

This represents the characters coming across the signs of a monster: its tracks, scat, maybe a few of its victims. You can use the resources in the section above to generate the monster.   If your players don't make an effort to avoid the monster, they encounter it.

Nearest X

This represents the character running into evidence of the nearest location or faction to where the characters currently are. This could be running into a patrol or perhaps sighting it from a far.   A good way to get ideas is to go to the nearest location and then quickly scan its "Relationships" (found on the right hand column) for whatever jumps out at you.  
Roll (d20) Day Night
1 Nearest Location Nothing
2 " "
3 Nearest Faction (Hostile) "
4 " "
5 Nearest Faction (Neutral/Friendly) "
6 " Nearest Location
7 Faction Game Event Nearest Faction (Hostile)
8 " Nearest Faction (Neutral/Friendly)
9 Monster, Sign Faction Game Event
10 " Monster, Sign
11 " "
12 " "
13 Monster, Encounter "
14 " "
15 " "
16 " "
17 " Monster, Encounter
18 Misfortune "
19 " "
20 " Misfortune

Cover image: by Goran Gligovic


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