Submitting Content

As mentioned this setting is meant to be a library of assets for GMs to use; it is intended to be a community project so let's talk about submitting content.  

Copyright & Licencing

Submitting your work here gives us a universal and perpetual license to use the work how he see fit within the project as long as proper credit is giving to you. It also gives users a similar license to use the work in their products with the stipulation that they credit you and link the page where the art is found here.   Giving credit to you is obvious but linking the page on here is a way to confirm that they got the work from here instead of taking it from somewhere else. It also helps give exposure to library, which we need as a small, non-profit project.

Removal Requests

You can later submit a request to take your art down, which we will comply with, but it doesn't revoke the license of anyone currently using the work. This is simply to protect creators downstream.  

Submitting Process & Crediting

The submitting process starts with you traveling to the Discussion Boards.


Submitting is simiply making a post with the information you want included. If it's NPC or location, you should add the name; if not, we'll assume it's generic and find a place we think it fits best.

What We're Looking For

In short: everything. Whether it's art (location, NPC, item), a bit of detail about a location or a bit of detail about an NPC, supplementary rules, new monsters and items, etc.   Even if all you wanted was a small change to an NPC, either fleshing out a blank or altering something that happened due to your game, it is more than welcome!   You're also welcome to submit redundant work. Redundant work is great because it brings your style and interpretation to the NPC, item, location, etc which can help GMs see it in a different light and add their own interpretation of things.

Desired Crediting

If you want to be credited (and you should), also include how you want to be credited. Typically, this will mean that your name will appear next to the art with a link to an eternal profile site where people who like your work can find more of it.


Typically, we'll do any revisions we think are necessary to bring the work into line with our standards, which means that we'll go through and adjust formating.   But, if the work requires too much work, we'll ask you to do it. Additionally, if there is any inappropriate content or things that simply don't fit in the setting, you may be asked to revise parts of the content.


Once all the submitter revisions are done, a post will be marked as approved, which means it's good to be integrated.   You can later add things to the same subject - modifying and adjusting - but you'll need to submit a new post for it.


At this point, we'll start working on integrating it. This will mainly be finding a home for the information (if you haven't give us one already) and formatting the information so it aligns with the rest of the setting. This is done so that everything is unified, making it easier for GMs to reference and use.  


There are three major no-nos that will get your work rejected and, depending on the severities, may result in a ban.

Submitting Others' Work

Just don't do this. The only exception is if it Public Domain or if the creator has specifically given public permission to use their work, under the Creative Common license. Even then, it might get rejected if there is even a shadow of a doubt of the legality of things. It's just not something we're interesting in dealing with.

AI Art

We're not interested in anything made or modified by AI.

Graphic Content

Violence is part and parcel for TTRPGs but graphic depictions of it, as well as graphic depictions that are sexual in nature, will be rejected.   Tasteful corpses, blood, and gore, as well as tasteful nudity are okay; just don't go overboard with it. If you're unsure, err on the side of caution.


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