
While they brought down a barony, the effort broke the Suldk. While some are on the rise, building a Stronghold and founding a city, most live as bandits and nomads, eeking out subsistence living in the mountainous highlands around the Middle Sea; victims of their own greed and will to power.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Shephards, nomads, mountainmen, trappers, traders, bandits  

Who is Strong?

A leader  

What Does it Mean to be a Leader?

One who can control others

Common Characteristics




By hook or by crook  


Does what they must  

Preferred Loadout

The Suldk are split into three groups: the True Suldks (referred to by everyone else as the Freslorf Clans), the Bancsk, and the Ogysok.   The Ogysok have been pressganged by the Rhone bandit Sword Ernald and serve as his raiders. They've done well in that position and have adopted much of the Rhone loadout. Most notable is that their traditional long coats have been converted into war banners as they have adopted the much warmer goat clocks. Guns are unknown among them.   The Freslorf Clans are fractious, nomadic tribes. The living is sparse and wealth is based around sheep and goats. Where fighting happens, it is in raids for the purpose of stealing livestock or chasing interlopers away, with pitched battles being rare. As such, the True Suldk use light armor and non-/low-metal weapons (clubs, polearms, bows & armors) but that doesn't mean that they don't use heavily armor and larger weapons when they can get their hands on things.   They've shortened their cloaks, made them of buckskin, and reduced them to a single color with uncolored (off-white) needlework.   The Bancsk, due to the position of a Stronghold and trading partners, are the only one of the Suldk orcs to keep the tradition of gunsmithing alive and thus the gun has become an important symbol of the Stronghold orcs. Currently, in terms of armor, they're split with a heathy naval tradition beginning to form, which prefers the lighter armor (similar to the Pfaets) and the old guard preferring heavily armor.   The traditional orcish cloak for the Bancsk was made of buckskin but has been slowly transitioning to a hybrid of buckskin and more traditional, layered textiles. These textiles are usually dyed in more complicated patterns and pattern work along the seams of the cloaks are starting to be more common.  

Other Things to Note


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