
While other orcs make war, the Szabolck seek to make peace, where they can. Where others divide, they seek to bring together. As such, they're the most integrated of the orcs, with each orc claiming a Rhone clan and family as their own. Still, they bring an expansionist and aggresive way of life that is uniquely their own; an ambition that isn't shared by their adopted culture.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Diplomats, reconciliators, beseigers, syncretic, teachers  

Who is Strong?

A leader  

What Does it Mean to be a Leader?

Someone who brings people together

Common Characteristics


As per the Rhone and open-minded  


As per the Rhone and Speak softly and carry a big stick  


Keeps the peace

Preferred Loadout

The Szabolck wear the traditional buckskin long coats of the orcs, dyed in a bright primary color with a secondary accent color, however, they're adopted additional pattern work inherited from the Rhone, which is usually around the collar, lapels, cuffs, and hems. Underneath these coats are multiple layers of cotton clothes, usually dyed in the same way, that offer protection in the cold climates. These usually take the form of multiple smaller coats.   Medium and heavy armors are favored as the orcish part of the army has transitioned to an occupying force or one that is used to anchor invasions: Rhone serving as scouts and skirmishers, as well as part of the logistics command, and Vipling riders serving as raiders and cavalry, fill out the other parts of the army.   Guns are popular but specifically paired with non-Vipling contingents since the explosions spook the riding lizards. Slashing weapons are almost universal, with polearms being secondary in the war context.  

Goat Cloaks

Goat cloaks have a special significance to the Szabolck as part of their adoption. Since the cloak represents clan relationships in Rhone culture, they have taken on the similar meanings for the orcs that are adopted, however, they're held more sacred due to this extra special nature; they're used in more ceremonial circumstances, rather than every day use.  

Beast-faced Helms

Many Szabolck soldiers have adopted the Vipling tradition of beast-faced helms.  

Highlander Beanies

The Szabolck have adopted the highlander beanie because they're comfy and warm. These knitted beanies will have ear flaps and, typically, are stripped with colors.  

Other Things to Note


Because of their conversion to the The Universal Way, adoption is a very important part of Szabolcks culture, particularly humans adopting orcs, although, now that second generation of Middle Realm orcs are reaching adulthood, this custom has morphed into the orc approaching the patriarch or matriarch of their parents' adopted clan and being ritualistically adopted by them.


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