The Collectors

by Azgaar
The Collectors are not really a sub-faith in that the majority of its believes align with the general Ancestor Cult but it adds one additional practice on top of that: recording.

Basic Beliefs

As the baseline Ancestor Cult with:
  • None should be forgotten
  • Their names and stories should be collected into the Welgryf Sagas

  • Holy Sites, Temples, & Rituals

    As the baseline Ancestor Cult with the addition that their holy site is the Library of the Welgryf Sages in Sylscha in Sern. There collectors from all across the Middle Realms return with their notes and stories of the dead, where they are sorted, copied, and stored.

    Common Motifs

    As the baseline Ancestor Cult with books featuring very prominently in their iconography. Members are usually identified by the large books they carry around.

    Hierarchy & Leadership

    The sect is lead by Dreamhand Lili, who founded the sect after receiving a vision.
      Below here is a council that organizes the day-to-day. There is a councilmember for each nation and a councilmember for the archivists.
      Each nation councilmember is over regional representives assigned to Strongholds and their surrounding lands. These have legates in the field who watch over and organize the collectors in the field, who do the actual research.
      The archivists stay within the confines of Sylscha and work on processing the incoming entries that the collectors return.

    Notable Members


    Common Theological Questions

    What are Invasions?

    As the baseline Ancestor Cult with the addition that there is a common belief that the collection of the Welgryf Sagas will lower the number of devils created, thus the number of Invasions.

    What is beyond the Mountains?

    The Collectors do believe that there are lands and peoples beyond the mountains and so are pro-tunneling.

    What are the Divines?

    As per the baseline Ancestor Cult


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