The Heir Lurinz

I'll note that the most famous duelist is not the best duelist. The most famous duelist is probably the Pfaets bravo The Heir Lurinz. He claims to be the bastard son of the deposed Count of Rarcheib and claims to be the best swordsman in this, or any, age.
  Little is known about his early life, and actually, his middle life. Before his rise to some level of notoriety, he was a local hero, who's main claim to fame was the part he took in the Battle of Two Bloods ( where he lost his eye, leg, and right arm.
  He really appeared in the public conscious after the Exchange of Welb and Racheib ( when he lead a band of rebels over the wall of the Stronghold of Racheib in an effort to "claim his rightful birthright". He was shortly captured and was sentenced to death but the rope of his noose broke. According to tradition, that meant he got a pardon, allowing him to live.
  He has since fled to Bosdt, trying to recruit more men to his cause and earning a living as a judicial champion for the locals. He does quite well for himself.


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