The One Way

by Azgaar
It was said that the Barony of Plensch was divided between the rule of two, twin brothers who couldn't agree on anything: not how to run the barony, not how to run the army, and not how the worship the Ancestors. Finally, one brother retired to a mountain top where they mediatated for 7 days. There is was enlighted and brought down the Law & Rites to his people, who rejected the other brother. Thus was the founding of the One Way.   The other brother took the non-believers and retreated to the lowlands where they became the Barony of Sern.  

Basic Beliefs

As the baseline Ancestor Cult with:
  • The Baron of Plensch is the ultimate religious and secular leader
  • The Plensch are a chosen people
  • When they have purified themselves, the Ancestors will crack open the mountains and lead them to the promised land on the other side
  • Purification comes from study and mediation

  • Holy Sites, Temples, & Rituals

    As the baseline Ancestor Cult but that the center of their religion, and the holist place in the Middle Realm is the Plensch Tower, which serves as both a monastic, scholarly, and government center.  

    Common Motifs

    As the baseline Ancestor Cult but with the addition of the Plensch Tower, which is often capped with a crowned skull or resting on a pile of skulls.  

    Hierarchy & Leadership

    The sect is lead by the Baron of Plensch. He serves as the head and his extended family serve as the governing council of both the realm and the church.   There are few ashcallers in Plensch; they're outlawed as heretics and soothsayers. Only those with royal blood are allowed to interact with the dead. Instead, the cult imploys traveling pilgrims who tested for royal blood - often the bastards of barons and counts - and who have been approved to be traveling purifiers and priests.  

    Notable Members


    Common Theological Questions

    What are Invasions?

    Invasions are called when those without royal blood attempt to commune with the dead. Instead, they summon devils and, if they make a mistake (highly likely), those devils can take the form of monsters and come through the veil.  

    What is beyond the Mountains?

    A paradise but it will only reveal itself when the faithful are ready. When the time comes, the faithful will be given the tools they need to burrow through the stone and leave the Middle Realm behind.  

    What are the Divines?

    As per the baseline Ancestor Cult but with the added addition that many believe them to be very powerful devils summoned by heretics.


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