
The Totsok have spent their time in the Middle Realm, sieging and crushing rebellions, which has made them a strong, mobile force to be reckoned with. The life of the Totsok is focused on the movement from one battle to another and, more than other hordes, they've started to form their lives and governance around the cohort and unit, almost becoming distinct tribes unto themselves.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Siege experts, logisitic experts, veteran soldiers, shepherds  

Who is Strong?

A leader  

What Does it Mean to be a Leader?

It means to fight and help others keep fighting

Common Characteristics




Make your point with words and actions  


Careful about their duties  

Preferred Loadout

The Totsok prefer heavy armor, paired with firearms, with piercing sidearms serving as backup. Most will also carry pavise shields as a way of having mobile cover. When attacked, Totsok turtle up: finding a defensible position as quickly as possible and then entrenching. On the attack, they push forward with the backline leapfrogging the front so that the advance is covered.   Their traditional long coats follow a standard of bright, primary colors with another color serving as an accent but a culture has developed in making the chest buckskin while keeping the bottom textile fabric. This makes the coat a bit lighter and more mobile but still provides a good amount of heat in the winter. The Totsok have also taken to adding patterns to the bottom hem as way of signalling what cohort they're attached to; a simple way to identify where someone should be and what they should be doing.  

Other Things to Note


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