

It appears as a massive snake, its body only visible when the scales reflect direct light; otherwise, there is only the suggestion in shadow and movement. Its eyes and mouth are an endless sea of stars and it is depicted either circling the world or eating its own tail.   Vitharr's holy book is called "the Book of Mirrors". Its purpose is to reflect the beliefs and biases of the people who read it via a collection of seemingly random stories and proverbs.  

Related Religion(s)

Brotherhood - one of the Divine Trials, the Herald of Kalpas

Spheres & Powers

The Primordial Serpent
  • The Weird
  • Borders
  • Change
  • Unknown
  • That Which Isn't
  • That Which Will Be
  • Prophesy
  • Unbinding
  • War Against the Unknown
  • The Hidden and/or Forgotten Truth


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