
Vorhut Tribes
The Vorhut are orcs from an earlier, minor Invasion. Since that time, millenia ago, they've stayed among the mountains of the White Peaks, thus giving them their nickname of "White Orcs". Their numbers are few because the White Peaks are unforgiving to those unprepared and that has made them peaceful: blood is more precious than gold. Their distance from the rest of the world had surrounded them in a mystical aura, with rumors that they're so close to the roof of the world that they can hear the words spoken in any corner of the Middle Realm and know all things.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Mountainmen, trappers, spiritualists, isolationists, crafters, goatherds  

Who is Strong?

One who has a way with words  

Common Characteristics




The snows bury the mountain but they cannot destroy it  


Cultivates knowledge  

Preferred Loadout

The Vorhut prefer light armor and small weapons, particularly the sling, but, beyond that, they prefer warm clothing with many layers, often slashes at the joints to offer the ability to move. Indeed, teh Vorhut take extreme pride in their gear, often enlaying them with runes to give them additional power and strength.  

Other Things to Note


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