Phantasm CONLANG

Phantasm Language Guide





Phantasm is the language spoken by the beings known as Ravagers. It is characterised by sharp, angular sounds and reflects the dark, cosmic horror themes of its speakers. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of Phantasm's structure, grammar, and cultural aspects.  

Phonology and Structure


Phoneme Inventory

p, t, k, q, b, d, g, f, s, x, h, m, n, r, l, z, v, ʔ (glottal stop)  
a, e, i, o, u  


  • Syllable structure: (C₁)(C₂)V(C₃), where C represents a consonant and V represents a vowel.
  • C₁ can be any consonant.
  • C₂ can only be 'r', 'l', or 'y' if C₁ is present.
  • V is any vowel.
  • C₃ can be any consonant except 'y'.
  • The glottal stop (ʔ) can only appear as C₁ or C₃.
  • Words are formed by combining one or more syllables.
  • Consonant clusters are generally limited to two consonants in a row, except at syllable boundaries.

Phonological Processes

  • Vowel Harmony: All vowels in a word must be either front (i, e) or back (u, o). The vowel 'a' is neutral and can appear with either group.
  • Consonant Assimilation: When a voiceless consonant (p, t, k, q, f, s, x, h) is followed by a voiced consonant (b, d, g, z, v, m, n, r, l), the voiceless consonant becomes voiced.
  • Glottal Stop Insertion: A glottal stop is inserted between two vowels at a morpheme boundary.

Pronunciation Guide

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  • P, B, T, D, K, G, F, V, S, Z, M, N, R, L, H, and W are pronounced as in English.
  • X is pronounced as a guttural 'kh' sound, like the 'ch' in the German 'Bach'.
  • Q is pronounced as a deep, guttural 'k' sound, produced further back in the throat.
  • ʔ (glottal stop) is pronounced as a brief, abrupt break in the flow of air, like the middle sound in "uh-oh".
  • A is pronounced as a short 'ah' sound, as in 'father'.
  • E is pronounced as a short 'eh' sound, as in 'bet'.
  • I is pronounced as a long 'ee' sound, as in 'feet'.
  • O is pronounced as a long 'oh' sound, as in 'boat'.
  • U is pronounced as a long 'oo' sound, as in 'boot'.
  • Y is pronounced as a consonant when it appears at the beginning of a syllable, similar to the 'y' in 'yes'. When it appears after a consonant, it modifies the vowel sound that follows, creating a diphthong.


In Phantasm, stress typically falls on the penultimate (second-to-last) syllable of a word. However, if the final syllable is heavy (ends in a consonant), the stress shifts to the final syllable.  


Phantasm uses a falling intonation for statements and a rising intonation for questions. In ritual or formal speech, a sing-song pattern is often employed, with alternating high and low tones on stressed syllables.  




Phantasm employs an agglutinative morphology, with affixes added to roots to indicate grammatical functions and relationships. Note: This section replaces the existing Morphology section.
Case System
Phantasm uses a rich case system to indicate the grammatical function of nouns and pronouns in a sentence. Cases are marked by suffixes:
Nominative-nSubject of a sentencenglath-n (Ravager as subject)
Accusative-lDirect objectz'vorn-l (void as object)
Genitive-rPossession or associationnglath-r (of the Ravager)
Dative-thIndirect object or recipientnglath-th (to/for the Ravager)
Locative-qLocation or positionz'vorn-q (in the void)
Instrumental-fMeans or instrumentdra'gon-f (by means of power)
Ablative-bMovement fromz'vorn-b (from the void)
Essive-mState of beingnglath-m (as a Ravager)
Example sentence using multiple cases:
Nglath-n z'vorn-l dra'gon-f nglath-th ma-vroth.
Ravager-NOM void-ACC power-INS Ravager-DAT present-travel
"The Ravager travels through the void by means of power for the Ravager."


Phantasm follows a subject-object-verb (SOV) word order.   Example:
K'a z'vorn-l ma-vroth.
(I void-to present-travel)
"I travel to the void."


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Personal Pronouns
n'rayou (singular)
l'xiyou (plural)
  Example: K'a n'ra-l sa-s'pher. (I you-object past-find) "I found you."  
Possessive Pronouns
k'a-rmy, mine
n'ra-ryour, yours (singular)
z'ya-rher, hers
d'ru-rour, ours
l'xi-ryour, yours (plural)
m'zu-rtheir, theirs
  Example: K'a-r n'zath ma-q're k'a-l. (My myth present-within me-object) "My myth is within me."

Verb Conjugation

Phantasm verbs are conjugated based on tense, aspect, mood, and plurality. Note: This section expands upon and replaces the existing Verb Conjugation section.
  • Present: ma-
  • Past: sa-
  • Future: ga-
  • Perfective (completed action): pe-
  • Imperfective (ongoing or habitual action): im-
  • Inchoative (beginning of an action): in-
  • Iterative (repeated action): it-
  • Cessative (ending of an action): ce-
  • Indicative: No additional prefix (default)
  • Imperative: vi-
  • Subjunctive: xi-
  • Conditional: zi-
  • Optative (expressing wish or hope): oi-
  • Dubitative (expressing doubt): du-
Cosmic Moods
These special moods reflect the Ravagers' unique perception of reality:
  • Transcendent (actions beyond space-time): om-
  • Entropic (actions hastening universal decay): en-
  • Cyclic (actions part of a greater cosmic cycle): cy-
Verb Conjugation Order
The order of affixes in a verb is: Mood - Aspect - Tense - Verb Root - Plurality Example:
"They would have traveled"
Examples of Complex Verb Forms
  1. ma-vroth: "(He/she/it) travels" (present indicative)
  2. sa-zh-vroth: "They traveled" (past indicative plural)
  3. ga-im-vroth: "(He/she/it) will be traveling" (future imperfective)
  4. vi-in-vroth: "Start traveling!" (imperative inchoative)
  5. xi-pe-sa-vroth: "(He/she/it) would have traveled" (past perfective subjunctive)
  6. zi-it-ga-vroth: "(He/she/it) would repeatedly travel" (future iterative conditional)
  7. om-im-ma-vroth: "(He/she/it) is transcendently traveling" (present imperfective transcendent)
Phantasm marks plurality on nouns, pronouns, and verbs. The plural suffix for nouns and pronouns is '-zhar'. For verbs, the plural is marked by the infix '-zh-' inserted before the tense marker. Examples:
  • Singular noun: nglath (Ravager)
  • Plural noun: nglath-zhar (Ravagers)
  • Singular verb: ma-vroth (travels)
  • Plural verb: ma-zh-vroth (travel)


Phantasm follows a subject-object-verb (SOV) word order. Example:
K'a z'vorn-l ma-vroth.
I void-ACC present-travel
"I travel to the void."

Sentence Types

Declarative Sentences
Follow the standard SOV order with the verb in indicative mood.
Interrogative Sentences
Formed by adding the particle 'qu' at the end of a declarative sentence. Example:
K'a z'vorn-l ma-vroth qu?
"Do I travel to the void?"
Imperative Sentences
Use the imperative mood prefix 'vi-' on the verb, often omitting the subject. Example:
Z'vorn-l vi-vroth!
"Travel to the void!"
Conditional Sentences
Use 't'bel' (if) for the condition clause and 'zi-' mood for the result clause. Example:
T'bel k'a z'vorn-l ma-s'pher, k'a zi-ga-vroth.
"If I find the void, I would travel."


Negation is marked by the prefix 'ne-' on the verb. Example:
K'a z'vorn-l ne-ma-vroth.
"I do not travel to the void."

Relative Clauses

Introduced by the relative pronoun 'j'tha', placed before the main clause. Example:
J'tha z'vorn-l sa-vroth nglath-n ma-q're k'a-r r'ath.
"The Ravager who traveled to the void is my friend."  

Tenses in Detail

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Present Tense
The present tense in Phantasm is used to indicate actions or events occurring at the present time or habitually. It is formed by adding the prefix "ma-" to the verb root.   Example: K'a z'vorn-l ma-p'gath. (I void-object present-eat) "I eat the void."  
Past Tense
The past tense in Phantasm is used to express actions or events that occurred in the past. It is formed by adding the prefix "sa-" to the verb root.   Example: K'a z'vorn-l sa-p'gath. (I void-object past-eat) "I ate the void."  
Future Tense
The future tense in Phantasm is used to describe actions or events that will happen in the future. It is formed by adding the prefix "ga-" to the verb root.   Example: K'a z'vorn-l ga-p'gath. (I void-object future-eat) "I will eat the void."

Prepositions in Phantasm

Phantasm prepositions are used to indicate relationships between words in a sentence, such as location, direction, time, or possession. Here are some common prepositions:  
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  • In: q're
  • On: s'ne
  • At: t'va
  • To: d'ze
  • From: b'ra
  • By: k'lo
  • With: p'hu
  Example: K'a z'vorn q're ma-vroth. (I void in present-travel) "I travel in the void."

Questions and Interrogatives

Phantasm interrogatives are used to ask questions and gather information. Here are some common interrogatives:  
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  • Who: j'la
  • What: j'nat
  • Where: j'zit
  • When: q'xar
  • Why: l'gor
  • How: d'fik
  Example: J'la z'vorn-l ma-p'gath? (Who void-object present-eat) "Who eats the void?"

Subordinate Clauses

Phantasm subordinate clauses are dependent clauses that provide additional information to the main clause in a sentence. They often begin with a subordinating conjunction. Here are some common subordinating conjunctions:  
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Because: q'lor
Although: r'faz
Since: s'bin
While: z'kro
If: t'bel
  Example: K'a z'vorn-l ma-p'gath q'lor k'a ma-s'pher. (I void-object present-eat because I present-find) "I eat the void because I find it."

Register and Politeness

Phantasm has different levels of formality and respect used depending on the social context and relationship between speakers. Here are the levels of register:  
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Formal Register: Used with higher-ranking Ravagers or during ceremonial occasions.
Informal Register: Used among peers or in casual situations.
Intimate Register: Used among close friends or family members.
  Example of formal register: D'karn H'xoth, k'a l'yo-l sa-s'pher n'ra-l d'ze ma-vroth. (Lord H'xoth, I truth-object past-find you-to present-travel) "Lord H'xoth, I have found the truth to bring to you."


Phantasm uses prefixes to indicate aspect:  
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  • Perfective (completed action): pe-
  • Imperfective (ongoing or habitual action): im-
  • Inchoative (beginning of an action): in-
  Example: K'a z'vorn-l pe-sa-p'gath. (I void-object perfective-past-eat) "I had eaten the void." (completed action) K'a z'vorn-l im-ma-p'gath. (I void-object imperfective-present-eat) "I am eating the void." (ongoing action) K'a z'vorn-l in-ga-p'gath. (I void-object inchoative-future-eat) "I will begin to eat the void." (action about to start)


Phantasm uses suffixes to indicate the source of information:
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-Direct experience: -dor
-Hearsay: -rul
-Inference: -fex
  Example: Z'vorn ma-q're g'nath-dor. (Void present-be dark-direct.experience) "The void is dark." (I know from direct experience) Z'vorn ma-q're g'nath-rul. (Void present-be dark-hearsay) "The void is dark." (I heard this from someone)

Other Grammatical Features

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  • Passive Voice: prefix "nu-"
  • Negation: prefix "ne-"
  • Comparatives: suffix "-vor"
  • Superlatives: suffix "-vorn"
  • Reflexive pronouns: suffix "-vex"
  • Reciprocal pronouns: suffix "-zar"

Vocabulary and Expressions


Basic Vocabulary

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Idiomatic Expressions

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  • D'qath v'fi r'shar (The priest over eternity) - A wise or knowledgeable person
  • X'shan s'ne z'vorn (Shadow on the void) - A hidden danger or threat
  • H'xoth b'ra l'yo (Illusion from the depths) - A deceptive or false appearance

Proverbs and Sayings

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  • "G'nath ma-vroth, r'than ma-s'pher." (Travel in darkness, find knowledge.)
  • "Z'vorn-l ne-ma-p'gath, z'vorn n'ra-l ga-p'gath." (If you don't eat the void, the void will eat you.)

Metaphors and Figurative Language

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  • "To drink shadows": K'a x'shan-l ma-d'bal. (To gain power from darkness)
  • "To weave void": K'a z'vorn-l ma-f'lar. (To create or manipulate emptiness)

Cultural Aspects


Naming Conventions

Ravager names often combine concepts of darkness, void, and destruction. Examples:
  • Vor'nax (Void-bringer)
  • Zith'gar (Shadow-eater)
  • Kel'thorax (Eternity-ender)

Taboo Words

  • L'var (light)
  • S'phor (hope)
  • M'zan (mercy)

Phantasm in Ritual and Magic

Example of a ritual chant:
"Z'vorn q're, g'nath v'fi, r'than x'qu, h'qarn d'ze"
(Void within, darkness over, knowledge beneath, death to)

Dialectal Variations

  • Void-Touched Dialect: Uses more sibilant sounds and elongated vowels.
  • Surface Dialect: Incorporates harsher consonants and shorter syllables.
  • Abyssal Dialect: Features guttural sounds and complex consonant clusters.

Advanced Concepts


Phantasm Syntax for Describing Eldritch Concepts

Structure: [Concept] + ma-q're + [Paradoxical State] Example:
Z'vorn ma-q're ne-z'vorn.
(Void present-be not-void)
"The void that is not void."

Phantasm Numerical System

Phantasm uses a base-6 numerical system.  

Phantasm Formal Debate Structure

  1. Thesis statement: "K'a [idea]-l ma-s'pher" (I [idea]-object present-find)
  2. Supporting argument: "Q'lor [evidence]" (Because [evidence])
  3. Counterargument acknowledgment: "R'faz [opposing view]" (Although [opposing view])
  4. Refutation: "Ne-ma-q're q'lor [reason]" (Not-present-be because [reason])
  5. Conclusion: "R'than-vorn ma-q're [final statement]" (Knowledge-superlative present-be [final statement])

Phantasm Expressions of Time

  • Vz'kor: The eternal now (present)
  • Sh'kor: The consumed past
  • Nx'kor: The void-potential future

Additional Features


Complex Sentence Structures

K'a n'zath-l ga-s'pher x'dar k'a sa-p'gath q'lor k'a l'yo-l sa-s'pher.
(I myth-object future-find before I past-eat because I truth-object past-find)
"I will discover the myth before I have eaten because I found the truth."

Passive Voice

Z'vorn nu-ma-p'gath.
(Void passive-present-eat)
"The void is eaten."

Conditional Statements

K'a z'vorn-l xi-ga-p'gath t'bel k'a s'vo-l xi-ma-s'pher.
(I void-object subjunctive-future-eat if I it-object subjunctive-present-find)
"I would eat the void if I were to find it."

Relative Clauses

K'a nglath-l ma-s'pher j'tha z'vorn-l sa-p'gath.
(I Ravager-object present-find who void-object past-eat)
"I find the Ravager who ate the void."

Comparatives and Superlatives

K'a-r z'vorn g'nath-vor ma-q're n'ra-r z'vorn-l d'ze.
(My void dark-comparative present-be your void-object to)
"My void is darker than your void."

Phantasm Numerical System

Phantasm uses a base-6 numerical system, reflecting the Ravagers' six-fingered hands. This system profoundly influences their perception of mathematics and the universe.  
Basic Numerals (0-5)
Higher Numbers
Numbers above 5 are formed by combining the basic numerals. The base (6) is referred to as 'x'fe' /xʔfe/.  
Base-10Base-6PhantasmLiteral Translation
36100z'vorn-x'fevoid-six (full set)
Forming Larger Numbers
To form larger numbers, Phantasm uses a multiplicative system. For example:  
42 (base-10) = 110 (base-6) = v'ka-z'vorn-x'fe d'ro-x'fe
(one-void-six two-six, or "one thirty-six and twelve")
1,000 (base-10) = 4,344 (base-6) = q'nu-t'li-q'nu-q'nu-z'vorn-x'fe
(four-three-four-four-void-six, or "four thousand three hundred and forty-four")
Fractional Numbers
Fractions in Phantasm are expressed using the suffix '-th'lag' (part). For example:  
1/6 = v'ka-th'lag x'fe (one-part six)
1/2 = t'li-th'lag x'fe (three-part six, equivalent to one-half in base-6)
Cultural Significance
The number z'vorn-x'fe (36 in base-10, 100 in base-6) holds great significance in Ravager culture, representing a full cycle or a complete set. It's often used in rituals and cosmic calculations.   The number p'sa (5) is considered ominous, as it represents incompleteness or impending change, being just short of a full x'fe (6).  
Mathematical Operations
Basic mathematical operations in Phantasm:  
  • Addition: g'lath (to join)
  • Subtraction: r'koth (to separate)
  • Multiplication: v'thrax (to replicate)
  • Division: z'klar (to divide)
v'ka g'lath d'ro v'thrax t'li z'klar d'ro
(one join two replicate three divide two)
"(1 + 2) × 3 ÷ 2" = 4.5 (base-10) or 4;3 (base-6)
  This number system reflects the alien nature of Ravager thought, with its base-6 structure and unique cultural associations providing a window into their cosmic perspective.  

Time Expressions

Phantasm has specific words for expressing time:  
  • Now: ma'qor
  • Yesterday: sa'qor
  • Tomorrow: ga'qor
  • Always: r'qor
  • Never: ne'qor
K'a ma'qor z'vorn-l ma-p'gath, k'a ga'qor ne-ga-p'gath.
(I now void-object present-eat, I tomorrow not-future-eat)
"I eat the void now, I will not eat tomorrow."

Honorifics and Titles

Phantasm uses prefixes to show respect or indicate status:  
  • D'karn: Lord/Lady
  • S'phar: Master/Mistress
  • V'loth: Elder
D'karn H'xoth, k'a n'ra-l ma-s'pher.
(Lord H'xoth, I you-object present-find)
"Lord H'xoth, I find you."

Compound Words

Phantasm allows for the creation of compound words by combining existing words:  
  • z'vorn (void) + p'gath (eat) = z'vornp'gath (void-eater)
  • g'nath (dark) + r'than (knowledge) = g'nathr'than (dark knowledge)
K'a z'vornp'gath ma-q're.
(I void-eater present-be)
"I am a void-eater."

Poetic Form

Here's an example of a short poem in Phantasm, showcasing its rhythmic and phonetic qualities:  
Z'vorn ma-q're, g'nath ma-vroth
R'than x'qu, k'a ma-s'pher
H'qarn d'ze, nglath ma-p'gath
R'shar v'fi, k'a ma-q're
  Literal translation:
Void present-be, darkness present-travel
Knowledge beneath, I present-find
Death to, Ravager present-eat
Eternity over, I present-be
  Poetic translation:
In void we dwell, through darkness roam
Beneath knowledge, I find my home
To death we feast, Ravagers supreme
Above eternity, I reign supreme

Phantasm Writing System

While primarily a spoken language, Phantasm does have a writing system used by more erudite Ravagers. The script is angular and sharp, reflecting the harsh sounds of the spoken language. Each glyph represents a syllable, with additional marks for tense and mood.   Example of written Phantasm (described, not shown): The phrase "K'a z'vorn-l ma-p'gath" would be represented by four main glyphs (K'a, z'vorn, l, p'gath) with a small mark above the p'gath glyph to indicate present tense.  

Phantasm Riddles

Ravagers enjoy complex wordplay. Here's an example of a Phantasm riddle:  
"K'a ne-ma-q're, t'bel n'ra k'a-l ma-s'pher.
K'a ma-q're, t'bel n'ra k'a-l ne-ma-s'pher.
J'nat k'a ma-q're?"
(I not-present-be, if you me-object present-find.
I present-be, if you me-object not-present-find.
What I present-be?)
  Answer: X'shan (Shadow)  

Phantasm Emotional Expressions

While Ravagers are generally perceived as emotionless, they do have ways to express strong feelings in Phantasm:  
  • Rage: "K'a h'nath-l ma-q're!" (I agony-object present-be) "I am agony!"
  • Satisfaction: "K'a z'vorn-l pe-sa-p'gath." (I void-object perfective-past-eat) "I have consumed the void."
  • Fear (rare): "R'shar ne-ma-q're." (Eternity not-present-be) "Eternity is not."

Phantasm Language Games

Ravagers sometimes engage in language games to sharpen their minds. One such game involves rapidly changing the tense and mood of a sentence:   Player 1: "K'a z'vorn-l ma-p'gath." (I eat the void) Player 2: "K'a z'vorn-l sa-p'gath." (I ate the void) Player 1: "K'a z'vorn-l xi-ga-p'gath." (I would eat the void)   And so on, with each player having to quickly adapt the sentence.  

Phantasm Onomatopoeia

Phantasm has unique onomatopoeic words for sounds associated with Ravager activities:  
  • Ksh'thar: The sound of reality tearing
  • Vz'zzur: The hum of void energy
  • Ghl'rrk: The sound of consuming a soul
K'a ksh'thar-l ma-q'lor z'kro z'vorn-l ma-vroth.
(I reality-tearing-sound-object present-hear while void-object present-travel)
"I hear the tearing of reality while traveling through the void."

Phantasm Color Terms

Ravagers perceive color differently, and Phantasm reflects this:  
  • V'lor: Void-black (absence of all color)
  • Gh'nar: Blood-red
  • Z'lur: Shadow-grey
  • X'vor: Eldritch-purple
K'a-r x'shan z'lur-vor ma-q're n'ra-r x'shan-l d'ze.
(My shadow shadow-grey-comparative present-be your shadow-object to)
"My shadow is greyer than your shadow."

Phantasm Gestures and Body Language

Certain physical gestures accompany Phantasm speech to convey additional meaning:  
  • Void-ward hand motion: Indicates speaking about the future
  • Claw-like hand near the face: Shows skepticism or disbelief
  • Slow blink with all eyes: Deep respect or submission

Phantasm Conceptual Metaphors

Phantasm uses specific conceptual metaphors that reflect Ravager psychology:   KNOWLEDGE IS CONSUMPTION Example: "K'a r'than-l ma-p'gath." (I knowledge-object present-eat) "I consume knowledge." (I learn)   POWER IS DEPTH Example: "K'a dra'gon x'qu ma-vroth." (I power beneath present-travel) "I travel beneath power." (I become more powerful)   TIME IS VOID Example: "R'shar z'vorn-l ma-q're." (Eternity void-object present-be) "Eternity is void." (Time is meaningless)  

Phantasm Euphemisms

Despite their generally direct nature, Ravagers use euphemisms for certain concepts:  
  • "Z'vorn-l ma-s'bin" (To meet the void): To die
  • "G'nath-l ma-vroth" (To travel darkness): To scheme or plot
  • "X'shan-l ma-f'lar" (To weave shadows): To deceive
  [h3h3]Phantasm Tongue Twisters Ravagers use tongue twisters to hone their pronunciation:  
"Ksh'thar ksh'thar-l ma-ksh'thar z'kro z'vorn z'vorn-l ma-z'vorn."
(Reality-tear reality-tear-object present-reality-tear while void void-object present-void)
"The reality-tearer tears reality while the void voids the void."

Phantasm Idioms Related to The Wheel Cosmology

  • "Iae-r fhtag-l ma-vroth" (To travel in Iae's dream): To exist
  • "Spire-l ma-vroth" (To travel the spire): To ascend in power
  • "Rim-l ma-s'pher" (To find the rim): To reach one's limit

Phantasm Terms for Psionics

Phantasm has specific terms for psionic abilities:  
  • M'zoth: Telepathy
  • V'zath: Telekinesis
  • X'lorn: Precognition
  • K'drath: Mind control
K'a m'zoth-l ma-dra'gon n'ra-r r'than-l ma-s'pher-d'ze.
(I telepathy-object present-use your knowledge-object present-find-to)
"I use telepathy to find your knowledge."

Phantasm Expressions of Paradox

To express paradoxical concepts central to their cosmic philosophy:  
  • Z'vorn-ne'vorn: The void that is not void
  • G'nath-d'arn: The darkness that illuminates
  • H'qarn-v'laan: The death that lives
K'a z'vorn-ne'vorn-l ma-s'pher r'ki k'a g'nath-d'arn-l ma-vroth.
(I void-not-void-object present-find when I darkness-light-object present-travel)
"I find the non-void void when I travel the illuminating darkness."

Phantasm Cosmic Horror Descriptors

Specific terms for describing eldritch horrors:  
  • N'ghrul: Sanity-shattering
  • V'xoth: Reality-warping
  • Z'kthul: Mind-consuming
N'ghrul v'xoth z'kthul nglath ma-vroth.
(Sanity-shattering reality-warping mind-consuming Ravager present-travel)
"The sanity-shattering, reality-warping, mind-consuming Ravager travels."

Phantasm Verbal Art

A form of Ravager artistic expression involving complex phonetic patterns:  
  This verbal art piece combines onomatopoeic sounds with core Phantasm concepts, creating a rhythmic, almost musical effect that conveys the essence of Ravager existence.  

Phantasm Grammatical Moods for Cosmic States

Additional grammatical moods to express states of cosmic awareness:  
  • Transcendent mood (prefix: om-): For actions that transcend normal space-time
  • Entropic mood (prefix: en-): For actions hastening universal decay
  • Cyclic mood (prefix: cy-): For actions part of a greater cosmic cycle
K'a z'vorn-l om-ma-s'pher, en-ma-p'gath, cy-ma-vroth.
(I void-object transcendent-present-find, entropic-present-eat, cyclic-present-travel)
"I transcendently find the void, entropically consume it, and cyclically travel through it."

Phantasm Curses

Phantasm curses are words or phrases with negative connotations for evil creatures. Here are a few examples:  
  • Compassionate fool: Z'klar
  • Hope-clinger: Q'xan
  • Light-lover: L'thol
N'ra z'klar ma-q're!
(You compassionate-fool present-be)
"You are a compassionate fool!"

Comprehensive Phantasm to Common Dictionary

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  • abhorrence: v'thul
  • abyss: y'zul
  • absorption: r'kul
  • abstract: z'phor
  • aeon: t'xol
  • afternoon: d'var
  • agony: h'nath
  • air: r'var
  • alliance: g'farn
  • ally: d'gath
  • altar: h'goth
  • always: a'kor
  • ambition: k'zor
  • ancient: g'lar
  • anger: z'thul
  • annihilation: t'qarn
  • anticipation: g'vor
  • apathy: n'qul
  • apocalypse: z'qarn
  • armor: n'karn
  • arrow: r'zhan
  • assimilation: k'rul
  • authority: v'qath
  • awaken: p'lath (infinitive form)
  • axe: n'loth
  • B
  • balance: l'karn
  • battle: n'thul, n'vath
  • become: v'lath (infinitive form)
  • bind: h'gath (infinitive form)
  • black hole: z'voth
  • blessing: g'kath
  • blood: s'karn
  • bloodlust: k'zath
  • bone: h'kul
  • bow: k'naal
  • break: s'krath (infinitive form)
  • C
  • calm: r'ath
  • Canker: t'zath
  • capture: d'lan (infinitive form)
  • casualty: n'gath
  • chains: r'tharn
  • champion: k'kath
  • chaos: t'zhan
  • chasm: y'gul
  • city: r'lyth
  • comet: k'zath
  • commander: r'qath
  • conquer: v'rath (infinitive form)
  • consume: p'gath (infinitive form)
  • contaminate: z'laan (infinitive form)
  • contemplation: r'vor
  • control: d'ath (infinitive form)
  • corrupt: x'laan (infinitive form)
  • cosmic: w'phar
  • crack: k'shal (infinitive form)
  • creation: g'phor
  • cruel: x'thul
  • cure: r'laan (infinitive form)
  • curse: n'kath
  • cycle: l'phor
  • D
  • dagger: s'goth
  • darkness: g'nath, z'quor
  • dawn: s'arn
  • day: r'zath
  • death: h'qarn
  • decay: t'laan
  • defeat: s'gath
  • deity: b'kaan
  • demon: x'kath
  • desert: f'roth
  • desire: r'garn
  • despair: d'qarn
  • destiny: k'hath
  • destruction: t'goth
  • devour: r'kul (infinitive form)
  • dimension: r'koth
  • disaster: z'kath
  • disease: s'vath
  • dominate: v'gath (infinitive form)
  • dread: kh'va
  • dream: fhtag (infinitive form)
  • dusk: n'arn
  • E
  • earth: p'kaan
  • eat: p'gath (infinitive form)
  • ecstasy: v'qarn
  • eldritch: y'vor
  • enemy: z'gath
  • enigma: f'vor
  • entropy: t'phar
  • essence: q'luth
  • eternity: r'shar
  • evening: z'nath
  • evolution: v'phor
  • existence: v'kaan
  • exterminate: z'fath (infinitive form)
  • F
  • fate: v'hath
  • fear: b'xol
  • feast: r'farn
  • fight: g'gath (infinitive form)
  • fire: s'nath
  • flesh: v'loth
  • foe: h'ath
  • follower: k'ath
  • food: t'gor
  • forest: n'kresh
  • forgotten: z'ulath
  • fortress: k'loth
  • fortune: r'hath
  • freedom: z'var
  • friend: r'ath
  • fury: z'nath
  • G
  • galaxy: w'lan
  • glory: k'vorn
  • gnosis: r'phos
  • god: g'kaan
  • gravitation: z'kra
  • guardian: v'kath
  • H
  • harmony: s'pher
  • hate: v'thul
  • heal: g'laan (infinitive form)
  • health: n'lan
  • hero: r'fath
  • hidden: q'vorn
  • horror: x'vul
  • hunger: h'gnar
  • hunter: l'thar
  • I
  • ice: n'var, r'var
  • illusion: h'xoth
  • immortality: r'qarn
  • infinity: n'roth
  • injured: d'zath
  • injury: s'vorn
  • insanity: q'raak
  • intellect: r'vor
  • K
  • kill: r'fath (infinitive form)
  • king: t'lor
  • knowledge: r'than
  • L
  • land: k'arn
  • leader: v'gath
  • legend: s'zath
  • lie: k'var
  • life: v'laan
  • light: d'arn
  • lost: d'fran
  • M
  • madness: q'raak
  • mage: g'qath
  • malevolence: x'thul
  • manipulate: k'laan (infinitive form)
  • metal: n'goth
  • midnight: r'gath
  • mind: r'vor
  • miracle: d'kath
  • misfortune: h'hath
  • moon: h'arn
  • morning: g'var
  • mortality: v'qarn
  • mountain: l'thag
  • mutate: z'lath (infinitive form)
  • myth: n'zath
  • N
  • nebula: w'vor
  • necromancy: h'vor
  • never: ne'kor
  • night: k'var
  • nightmare: s'voth
  • nihilism: z'vor
  • O
  • oblivion: u'qarn
  • obsession: k'vor
  • ocean: b'farn
  • omniscience: r'vorn
  • order: p'gol
  • P
  • pain: z'garn
  • paradox: f'phor
  • peace: k'gath
  • planet: r'ghol
  • pleasure: r'var
  • poison: k'qarn
  • portal: h'draal
  • power: dra'gon, n'vath
  • predator: n'kran
  • prey: s'gar
  • priest: d'qath
  • prison: s'var
  • prophecy: r'zath, s'kaan
  • protector: h'kath
  • purity: g'luth
  • Q
  • quantum: f'lan
  • R
  • ravager: nglath
  • reality: g'phar, n'jor
  • realm: l'zath
  • rebirth: v'qorn
  • release: z'goth (infinitive form)
  • ritual: n'koth
  • rogue: z'qath
  • S
  • sacrifice: z'kron
  • scream: d'karn (infinitive form)
  • sea: v'lan
  • secret: f'thag
  • shadow: z'var
  • shield: g'var
  • silence: t'shul
  • singularity: z'vorn
  • sky: h'tarn
  • sleep: r'kesh (infinitive form)
  • soldier: s'ath
  • soul: k'phor
  • space: w'kan
  • spear: v'koth
  • spirit: r'naal
  • staff: g'draal
  • star: v'var
  • stone: s'loth
  • storm: h'vath, z'ghol
  • strength: r'kra
  • submission: g'lan
  • summon: p'greth (infinitive form)
  • summoner: r'kath
  • sun: r'nath
  • survive: k'thar (infinitive form)
  • sword: h'zath
  • T
  • telekinesis: v'zath
  • telepathy: m'zoth
  • temple: g'zhan
  • tentacle: y'thor
  • throne: v'kul
  • time: d'qor, v'loch
  • tomb: n'draal
  • tongue (language): sk'lo
  • torment: x'gul
  • tower: r'zor
  • transcendence: om'vor
  • trap: g'vath
  • truth: b'dal
  • twilight: h'zath
  • U
  • unbind: v'goth (infinitive form)
  • unknowable: m'phos
  • unnatural: k'loth
  • V
  • vengeance: d'zor
  • victim: z'kri
  • victory: r'lash
  • villain: s'kath
  • void: u'tharn, z'vorn
  • W
  • wait: mglw' (infinitive form)
  • war: v'zath
  • warrior: n'q
  • water: d'bal
  • weakness: s'far
  • weapon: s'goth
  • whisper: y'kresh (infinitive form)
  • wind: v'gul
  • wisdom: k'vor
  • wood: g'zor
  • wound: d'vath (infinitive form)
  • wounded: k'laan
  • X
  • xenomorph: i'loth
  • Phrases and Compound Terms
  • Abyssal prison: r'gar
  • Alien geometry: x'lan
  • Alien influence: z'lan
  • All-consuming darkness: w'rath
  • Ancient history: k'xath
  • Ancient origin: v'phar
  • Ancient ritual: v'karth
  • Beyond comprehension: m'phos
  • Beyond time: x'phar
  • Bleak destiny: n'phos
  • Chaotic force: g'phar
  • Collapsing stars: x'khar
  • Corrupted soul: p'zath
  • Cosmic alignment: w'phar
  • Cosmic betrayal: d'phar
  • Cosmic convergence: n'lan
  • Cosmic dread: x'vorn
  • Cosmic entity: d'kthul
  • Cosmic entropy: t'phar
  • Cosmic fear: b'xol
  • Cosmic indifference: j'zath
  • Cosmic intervention: n'xath
  • Crawling chaos: s'rath
  • Cryptic symbols: m'zath
  • Cursed bloodline: y'phos
  • Cursed relic: m'qros
  • Cyclopean architecture: o'phar
  • Dark prophecy: i'thos
  • Dark secret: u'gath
  • Devouring darkness: k'thran
  • Dissonant sound: w'lan
  • Disturbing dream: d'rath
  • Eerie atmosphere: y'zril
  • Eerie silence: p'qath
  • Elder beings: v'lorn
  • Eldritch abomination: y'lorn
  • Eldritch energy: z'vor
  • Eldritch tome: p'thag
  • Endless abyss: l'gath
  • Engulfing madness: b'rath
  • Eternal despair: y'gar
  • Ethereal plane: j'vath
  • Extradimensional creature: i'qath
  • Extradimensional portal: j'rath
  • Forbidden chant: z'qath
  • Forbidden knowledge: r'shath
  • Forbidden rite: t'zath
  • Forgotten past: m'gar
  • Formless horror: s'phar
  • Formless void: s'vor
  • Great Old One: g'lok m'gar
  • Grotesque transformation: d'gar
  • Haunting echo: g'lorn
  • Hidden influence: m'khar
  • Hidden terror: w'qul
  • Incomprehensible language: x'phos
  • Incomprehensible sight: p'gar
  • Indescribable dread: v'krul
  • Indescribable terror: p'rath
  • Inescapable fate: r'qath
  • Inexplicable phenomena: d'lorn
  • Infinite darkness: b'vorn
  • Insidious influence: d'xol
  • Interstellar terror: b'phar
  • Interstellar voyage: g'gar
  • Lost city: s'vorn
  • Lurking fear: o'vorn
  • Maddening truth: v'qath
  • Malevolent entities: j'qath
  • Malevolent spirit: s'gath
  • Malignant force: j'phos
  • Mind-numbing void: b'lorn
  • Mind-shattering revelation: t'qath
  • Mind-warping: o'zath
  • Monstrous hybrid: o'xol
  • Monstrous spawn: o'qath
  • Nameless cult: j'ghar
  • Nightmare realm: i'khar
  • Nightmarish landscape: y'khar
  • Non-Euclidean space: r'lan
  • Non-human intelligence: z'khar
  • Occult knowledge: n'khar
  • Otherworldly being: f'xath
  • Otherworldly connection: z'vorn
  • Otherworldly presence: l'phos
  • Outer gods: l'xath
  • Parallel universe: i'vorn
  • Primal fear: g'qath
  • Primordial chaos: l'qath
  • Psychic intrusion: k'phos
  • Reality warp: i'lan
  • Sanity-shattering: w'khar
  • Serve: l'khar
  • Shadowy figure: l'zath
  • Shrouded in darkness: w'lorn
  • Sinister cults: r'vorn
  • Sinister influence: z'phos
  • Sinister intent: k'vorn
  • Soul-consuming: g'rath
  • Strange aeons: t'xol
  • Supernatural power: l'phar
  • Terrifying vision: t'lorn
  • Thirst: t'skar
  • Timeless void: g'xol
  • Twisted dimension: b'ghol
  • Twisted fate: p'lorn
  • Twisted reality: n'vor
  • Unhallowed ground: t'ghar
  • Unimaginable scale: y'phar
  • Unimaginable terror: o'phos
  • Unknowable future: s'khar
  • Unnatural birth: k'zath
  • Unnatural evolution: v'rath
  • Unspeakable deity: m'xath
  • Unspeakable horror: x'zoth
  • Unspeakable name: r'phos
  • Unstoppable force: i'rath
  • Void's whisper: n'phar
  • Idiomatic Expressions and Proverbs
  • "G'nath ma-vroth, r'than ma-s'pher." (Travel in darkness, find knowledge.)
  • Meaning: Wisdom is often found in the most challenging experiences.  
  • "Z'vorn-l ne-ma-p'gath, z'vorn n'ra-l ga-p'gath." (If you don't eat the void, the void will eat you.)
  • Meaning: Embrace the darkness, or it will consume you.  
  • "R'shar-n k'a-l ma-vroth." (Eternity travels through me.)
  • Meaning: One who has transcended normal perception of time and space.  
  • "V'laan-l z'vorn-q ma-q're." (Life exists in the void.)
  • Meaning: Opportunity can be found even in apparent emptiness.  
  • "G'nath-r x'shan-l ma-d'bal." (To drink the shadow of darkness.)
  • Meaning: To gain power from terrifying experiences.  
  • "K'vor-l r'kul, q'raak-l p'gath." (Devour wisdom, consume madness.)
  • Meaning: Knowledge comes at the cost of sanity.  
  • "N'roth-r p'mal-q ma-vroth." (To walk on the edge of infinity.)
  • Meaning: To take great risks or to explore the unknown.  
  • "T'zath-l ma-fhtag, nglath-l ma-p'lath." (The Canker dreams, the Ravager awakens.)
  • Meaning: As one threat fades, another emerges.  
  • "R'than-vorn ne-ma-q're, m'phos-vorn ma-q're." (The greatest knowledge is not knowing.)
  • Meaning: True wisdom is understanding the limits of one's knowledge.  
  • "Z'vorn-l ma-f'lar, r'shar-l ma-p'gath." (Weave the void, eat eternity.)
  • Meaning: Master the fundamentals to achieve the impossible.  
  • "K'a-r dra'gon n'ra-r s'far ma-q're." (My power is your weakness.)
  • Meaning: One's strength is often another's vulnerability.  
  • "G'nath-q ma-vroth, d'arn-l ma-s'pher." (Travel in darkness, find light.)
  • Meaning: Sometimes, one must embrace the opposite of what they seek to find it.  
  • "X'zoth-l ma-p'gath, y'vor-m ma-q're." (Eat the unspeakable, become eldritch.)
  • Meaning: To truly understand something, one must fully immerse oneself in it.  
  • "R'shar-n k'a-l ma-vroth, k'a r'shar-l ne-ma-s'pher." (Eternity travels through me, but I cannot find eternity.)
  • Meaning: The paradox of being part of something greater than oneself, yet unable to fully comprehend it.  
  • "N'jor-l ma-p'gath, g'phar-l ma-z'goth." (Consume reality, release chaos.)
  • Meaning: Understanding often leads to a breakdown of previous beliefs.  
  • "T'xol-r x'shan-q ma-vroth." (To travel in the shadow of aeons.)
  • Meaning: To be insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe.  
  • "Z'vor-l ma-p'gath, r'vor-l ma-z'goth." (Consume energy, release thought.)
  • Meaning: True understanding comes from internalizing experiences.  
  • "K'a-r n'zath n'ra-r r'than ma-q're." (My myth is your knowledge.)
  • Meaning: One being's fundamental truth may be merely academic to another.  
  • "G'nath-r d'arn, d'arn-r g'nath." (Darkness of light, light of darkness.)
  • Meaning: All things contain their opposite; nothing is absolute.  
  • "R'kul-l ma-vi-vroth, p'gath-l ne-ma-vi-d'lan." (Travel to devour, not to capture what you eat.)
  • Meaning: Experience and learn from life, don't try to possess or control it.


      This comprehensive guide to the Phantasm language provides a thorough overview of its structure, grammar, vocabulary, and cultural aspects. The complex nature of Phantasm reflects the cosmic horror themes of its speakers, the Ravagers, making it a unique and evocative conlang for roleplaying and worldbuilding purposes.


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