
In the heart of Fallen Asha, where the arcane storms rage and the Grey Horde lurks, there exists a fierce and proud warrior tribe known as the Stormborn. These nomadic guardians have taken it upon themselves to protect the scattered remnants of civilization from the relentless onslaught of the undead and the insidious influence of the Qhuss.  
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Tattoos and War Paint
The Stormborn are a sight to behold, their bodies adorned with intricate tattoos and war paint that tell the stories of their battles and their connection to the chaotic energy of The Howling Plains. They believe that these sacred markings, created using the ashes of their fallen comrades and the pigments of rare storm-touched flora, grant them strength and protection in battle.  
Masters of Strategy
Unlike other nomadic tribes who seek to avoid the dangers of the plains, the Stormborn actively seek out the Grey Horde and the Qhuss, using their knowledge of the land to outmaneuver and ambush their enemies. They are master strategists, able to predict the movements of the undead and use the unpredictable nature of the arcane storms to their advantage.  
The Storm Council
The Stormborn are led by a council of elders known as the Storm Council, each member bearing a unique tattoo that represents their mastery over a specific aspect of battle. The Storm Lord, the head of the council, is said to bear the mark of the legendary Storm King himself, granting them the ability to command the winds and lightning of the plains.  
Warriors of the Plains
The warriors of the Stormborn are trained from a young age in the art of battle, their skills honed through rigorous training and the harsh realities of life in the Howling Plains. They wield weapons forged from the remnants of ancient Ashan technology, imbued with the power of the storms and capable of cutting through the rotting flesh of the undead with ease.   In battle, the Stormborn are a force to be reckoned with, their war cries echoing across the plains as they charge into the fray. They fight with a ferocity and determination that strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies, their tattoos glowing with an otherworldly light as they channel the power of the storms into their attacks.  
A Symbol of Hope
But the Stormborn are more than just warriors. They are also a symbol of hope for the people of Fallen Asha, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there are those who will stand against the tide of darkness. They are the protectors of the weak, the defenders of the innocent, and the guardians of the last remnants of civilization in a world gone mad.  
Roaming the Howling Plains
When they are not in battle, the Stormborn can be found roaming the Howling Plains, their caravans adorned with the trophies of their victories and the banners of their tribe. They are a sight of awe and wonder to the other nomadic tribes, who see them as the embodiment of strength and resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity.  
Stories of Heroes
In the camps of the Stormborn, the elders share stories of the legendary heroes of their tribe, the great battles they have fought, and the sacrifices they have made to protect the people of Fallen Asha. These stories serve as a reminder to the younger generations of the importance of their mission and the legacy they must uphold.  
The Last Line of Defense
As the Grey Horde continues to march across the land and the influence of the Qhuss grows ever stronger, the Stormborn remain a beacon of hope in a world consumed by darkness. They are the guardians of the Howling Plains, the protectors of the innocent, and the last line of defense against the forces that seek to destroy all that is left of Fallen Asha.

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