Stormforged Glass

Technical Manual: Stormforged Glass

  Stormforged Glass, a material born in the heart of the Howling Plains' arcane storms, represents a pinnacle of arcane materials science. This manual provides comprehensive information on its properties, production, and applications, including three groundbreaking examples of its use in our struggle against the encroaching darkness.  

1. Chemical Composition

  Stormforged Glass is primarily composed of:  
Component Percentage
Silicon dioxide (SiO₂) 70%
Arcane-infused quartz 15%
Temporal flux particles 10%
Trace elements 5%

2. Physical Properties


2.1 Appearance

  Stormforged Glass is characterized by its deep blue color with swirling, storm-like patterns. Its transparency ranges from semi-transparent to opaque, depending on thickness. The material exhibits a lustre that varies from vitreous to metallic.  

2.2 Mechanical and Thermal Properties

Property Value Unit
Density 3.2 g/cm³
Mohs Hardness 8.5 -
Tensile Strength 1200 MPa
Compressive Strength 2000 MPa
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 3.2 × 10⁻⁶ /K
Melting Point 2100 °C
Thermal Conductivity 1.5 W/(m·K)

2.3 Electrical Properties

  The electrical resistivity of Stormforged Glass is 10¹⁶ Ω·m, with a dielectric constant of 7.5.  

3. Magical Properties

  Stormforged Glass possesses several unique magical properties:  
  1. Decay Resistance: Extraordinary resistance to temporal degradation, magical corrosion, and entropic effects.
  2. Arcane Energy Absorption: Can absorb and store magical energy from its surroundings, with a maximum capacity of 500 arcane units per cubic centimeter.
  3. Temporal Stability: Creates a localized field of temporal stability within a 10 cm radius, slowing the passage of time by a factor of 0.1 within this field.
  4. Weather Manipulation: Can influence local weather patterns within a 100 m radius, including precipitation control, temperature regulation, and wind speed modulation.

4. Production Process

  The creation of Stormforged Glass involves a complex, multi-step process:  

4.1 Raw Material Gathering

  The primary components are collected from the Howling Plains, including silica-rich sand, arcane-infused quartz crystals, and temporal flux particles harvested during peak storm activity.  

4.2 Smelting

  Materials are combined in the appropriate ratio and heated to 2200°C in a magically-reinforced furnace. The mixture is then exposed to focused arcane storm energy for 72 hours.  

4.3 Shaping and Cooling

  The molten glass is shaped using telekinetic manipulation and rapidly cooled using controlled temporal fields.  

4.4 Annealing

  The shaped glass is annealed in a chamber of pure magical energy for 7 days, stabilizing its magical properties and enhancing its decay resistance.  

5. Groundbreaking Applications


5.1 The Temporal Sanctuary of Moord

  Application: A massive dome constructed over the floating city of Moord, designed to create a stable temporal bubble.   Deep within the laboratories of Moord's most brilliant artificers, a daring plan was conceived. Using sheets of Stormforged Glass nearly a meter thick, they constructed a colossal dome that now envelops the entire floating city. This marvel of engineering, known as the Temporal Sanctuary, creates a vast field of temporal stability that slows the passage of time within Moord to a mere fraction of the outside world.   The effects of this temporal manipulation are nothing short of miraculous:  
Effect Description
Time Dilation For every year that passes outside the dome, only a month elapses within Moord.
Decay Resistance The city's infrastructure, including its crucial anti-gravity engines, experiences significantly reduced wear and tear.
Research Acceleration Scientists within Moord can conduct decades-worth of experiments in a matter of months, relative to the outside world.
  However, this temporal manipulation comes at a cost. Residents of Moord must be cautious when leaving the Sanctuary, as the sudden shift in temporal flow can be disorienting and even physically taxing.  

5.2 The Storm Harness of Andasand

  Application: A network of Stormforged Glass pillars designed to control and redirect the harsh weather patterns of the desert nation.   The desert nation of Andasand, ever-plagued by devastating sandstorms and extreme temperature fluctuations, has found salvation in Stormforged Glass. A vast network of towering pillars, each crafted from a single piece of the material, now stretches across the nation's borders.   These pillars, known collectively as the Storm Harness, work in harmony to achieve the following:  
  • Create a protective barrier that deflects the worst of the sandstorms
  • Generate localized rain clouds to provide much-needed water to the arid landscape
  • Regulate temperatures, creating a more hospitable environment for agriculture and habitation
The Storm Harness has turned our harsh desert into a land of plenty. We no longer fear the fury of the sands, but embrace the bounty they now bring.
— High Artificer Zara of Andasand
  The Storm Harness has transformed Andasand from a struggling nation into a verdant oasis, but it's not without its challenges. The constant strain of manipulating such vast weather patterns requires regular maintenance and occasional replacement of the Stormforged Glass pillars.  

5.3 The Arcane Nexus of the Ochal Confederacy

  Application: A colossal, crystalline structure that serves as both a magical power source and a defense against the encroaching forces of Canker.   In the heart of the Ochal Confederacy stands a wonder that defies comprehension. The Arcane Nexus, a spiraling tower of Stormforged Glass that reaches impossibly high into the sky, pulsates with barely contained magical energy.   This awe-inspiring structure serves multiple crucial functions:  
  1. Magical Energy Collection: The Nexus absorbs ambient magical energy from the atmosphere, storing it for later use.
  2. Power Distribution: Through a network of smaller Stormforged Glass conduits, the Nexus provides magical power to cities across the Confederacy.
  3. Reality Stabilization: The immense arcane energies contained within the Nexus help to reinforce the fabric of reality in the surrounding area, slowing the spread of Canker's corruption.
  4. Defensive Capabilities: In times of dire need, the stored energy can be released in devastating blasts against invading forces, be they mortal or eldritch in nature.
  However, the power of the Arcane Nexus comes with grave risks. The concentration of so much magical energy in one place has begun to warp the surrounding reality in unpredictable ways. Strange phenomena are commonplace near the Nexus, and there are whispers that it may be attracting the attention of forces beyond mortal comprehension.  

6. Safety Precautions

  When working with Stormforged Glass, always adhere to the following safety guidelines:  
  • Wear protective gear at all times when handling the material
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to its temporal field to prevent temporal dissonance
  • Store in magically-shielded containers to prevent unintended weather effects

7. Conclusion

  Stormforged Glass represents both our greatest achievement and, perhaps, our last hope in the face of a dying world. As we continue to push the boundaries of its applications, we must remain vigilant against the unforeseen consequences of manipulating such powerful forces.  
May the light of innovation guide us through the encroaching darkness, and may Stormforged Glass be the lens through which we focus our final, defiant stand against oblivion.


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Aug 23, 2024 13:20 by rugrat0ne

I like how you used the frame of a technical manual, without letting it get too technical and boring. Three fascinating uses of the substance, too.

I've done Diamond or Die. This year I'm trying Diamond or Nap.