The Day of Sorrows

The Day of Sorrows (2145), also known as the Battle of Moord's Shadow, was an the final engagement in the Ochal Legion's expedition to find survivors in the heart of Fallen Asha. The failed defence of Moord's ground-side generator station, under the command of Legate Legiones Johannes Chordez of the 19th Cohort of the Ochal Legion began when a large contingent of undead creatures broke off from their main force on 22 Mirtul 2145, diverting 6 miles to attack the generator station later that day and continuing for 7 days and 7 nights.  
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  Just over 20,000 Ochal Legion troops defended the generator station against attacked by circa a million undead warriors. The massive but piecemeal attacks by the undead warriors on the generator station came very close to allowing the much smaller Legion victory, but the relentless attacks by the dead won the day.

The Conflict


Before the Day of Sorrows etched its tragic mark in history, the Ochal Legion had been on a desperate mission. Their objective: to find and rescue any survivors in the heart of Fallen Asha, a land ravaged by a cataclysmic event that had seemingly turned the living into the dead. Their destination was Moord, the last surviving city in the region, levitating due to a pair of linked generators - one city-side, and the other, ground-side.   The 19th Cohort of the Ochal Legion, under the command of Legate Legiones Johannes Chordez, set off on 1 Mirtul 2145, undeterred by the formidable task ahead. Known for their unwavering discipline and courage, the Cohort was a beacon of hope in these dark times. The journey was treacherous, with the threat of undead attacks looming large. Yet, the Legion pushed forward, their resolve strengthened by the potential lives they could save.   Upon reaching the ground-side generator station on 9 Mirtul, the Legion established a fortified encampment. In anticipation of potential undead attacks, they strengthened the generator station's defenses, installed advanced weapon systems, and deployed field engineers and magi-tech specialists to ensure the continuous operation of the generator.   Meanwhile, the undead forces continued to amass, their numbers swelling with each passing day. Unbeknownst to the Legion, their presence had not gone unnoticed. On 22 Mirtul, a large contingent of undead creatures broke off from their main force, diverting 6 miles to lay siege to the generator station.   Despite the impending danger, the Legion stood their ground. They knew the importance of their mission – the survival of Moord, and possibly all of Fallen Asha, depended on it. As the undead forces approached, the Ochal Legion prepared for the fight of their lives. Thus, the stage was set for the Battle of Moord's Shadow, an engagement that would come to be known as the Day of Sorrows.


Ochal Legion

The 19th Cohort of the Ochal Legion, numbering just over 20,000 soldiers, was tasked with the defense of the ground-side generator station. The Legion's ranks were filled with seasoned warriors, skilled archers, and practitioners of arcane and divine magic, each bringing their unique skills and abilities to the defense of the station.   Among the Legion were also a group of specialized individuals with knowledge in the arcane arts of transmutation and artifact manipulation. Their role was crucial in maintaining the operation of the generator and using their knowledge to manipulate the battlefield to the Legion's advantage.   The soldiers were strategically deployed around the generator station. Using both physical and magical fortifications, they established a series of defensive lines to repel the expected undead assault. Every soldier was prepared to adapt quickly to breaches in the defenses, ensuring a dynamic and responsive defense strategy.

Undead Forces

The undead forces presented a stark contrast to the Ochal Legion. Their ranks, estimated to be around a million strong, were a chaotic assembly of undead creatures of varying sizes and forms. Their lack of strategic organization was compensated by their overwhelming numbers and relentless nature.   The undead advanced on the generator station in unyielding waves, seemingly without regard for losses. Their relentless numbers and tireless assault presented a formidable challenge to the disciplined and organized defenders.   As both forces took their positions, the ground-side generator station, the last lifeline of the city of Moord, was braced for a desperate battle. The Ochal Legion, though heavily outnumbered, stood resolute against the impending onslaught, their determination unwavering in the face of a seemingly impossible challenge.


The ground-side generator station, the epicenter of the Battle of Moord's Shadow, was a formidable structure, situated directly beneath the floating city of Moord. It was a marvel of ancient magic and engineering, its purpose vital to the very existence of the city above.   The station was sprawling, extending outwards in a series of concentric rings from a massive central spire. This spire housed the generator itself, a mystic artifact of colossal size, pulsing with arcane energy that seemed to hum in the air. Around it, the rings of the station were filled with secondary facilities, storehouses, and barracks, all dedicated to supporting the operation of the generator.   The landscape around the station was harsh and desolate, a bleak expanse of rocky terrain punctuated by the occasional gnarled tree or scrubby bush. This rugged landscape provided some natural defensive advantages, including a series of cliffs and ravines on the station's eastern flank.   The station was fortified with both physical and magical defenses. Thick stone walls, reinforced with powerful enchantments, surrounded the station. Watchtowers dotted the perimeter, providing vantage points for the defenders. Furthermore, magical wards and barriers were integrated into the station's defenses, ready to repel the onslaught of the undead.   Several routes led to the station, but three major paths formed the primary avenues of approach. These paths, winding their way through the desolate landscape, would soon become the main conduits for the relentless waves of undead.   On the eve of the battle, the ground-side generator station stood as a beacon of hope in the barren wasteland of Fallen Asha. It was here that the Ochal Legion prepared to make their stand, knowing that the fate of Moord and perhaps all of Fallen Asha rested on their shoulders.


The Battle of Moord's Shadow took place under punishing conditions, adding a layer of hardship to an already desperate situation. The battle commenced on the 22nd of Mirtul 2145 and raged relentlessly for seven days and seven nights, marking it as one of the longest continuous engagements in the history of Fallen Asha.   The weather was harsh and unforgiving. The days were blisteringly hot, with the sun scorching the barren landscape, reflecting off the rocky terrain and creating a stifling heat. Water was scarce, and the legionnaires had to ration their supplies carefully. At night, the temperature plunged dramatically, with a biting wind that cut through the defenders' ranks, chilling them to the bone.   The skies were perpetually overcast, casting an oppressive pall over the battlefield. Occasional thunderstorms would roll in, unleashing torrents of rain that turned the rocky ground into a treacherous mire. This made the already challenging task of maneuvering around the battlefield even more difficult for both the defenders and the attacking undead.   The constant noise was another punishing element of the battle. The moaning of the undead, the clash of weapons, the shouts of the Legion's commanders, and the hum of the generator created a cacophony that was almost deafening. The constant din added another layer of stress to the already exhausted defenders.   Sleep was a luxury that few could afford during the battle. The undead attacked in continuous waves, giving the defenders little respite. Exhaustion set in quickly, taking a toll on the mental and physical condition of the Legion's soldiers.   Despite these harsh conditions, the Ochal Legion held their ground, their determination and courage undiminished. They knew that their survival and the survival of the city of Moord depended on their ability to endure and fight on, no matter the circumstances.

The Engagement

The defense of the ground-side generator station was of paramount strategic importance, as its failure could lead to the fall of the city of Moord, potentially wiping out the last bastion of life in Fallen Asha. As part of a desperate contingency plan, the 19th Cohort had brought with them a host of field engineers and magi-tech specialists to keep the generator running under any circumstance.   The first few days of the battle saw the Ochal Legion successfully hold off the undead forces. Employing a combination of technological superiority, strategic use of the station's defensive infrastructure, and the tireless courage of the Legion soldiers, the defenders managed to repel wave after wave of the advancing horde.   Yet, as days turned into nights and back into days again, the undead onslaught showed no sign of abating. The sheer number of the attackers began to take a toll on the Legion's forces. The weary defenders faced a rising tide of the dead, their numbers dwindling with each passing hour.   By the fifth day, the Legion's ranks had been reduced to a mere fraction of what they were at the battle's start. The undead, unyielding and tireless, pressed the attack relentlessly. The generator station, once a formidable fortress, now lay partially in ruins, its once gleaming exterior scarred and blackened by the ceaseless conflict.   Legate Legiones Chordez, undeterred by the desperate circumstances, rallied his troops for a final stand. On the morning of the seventh day, as the sun rose over the besieged station, he led a charge against the undead forces in a last, heroic attempt to turn the tide of the battle.   However, the numbers were against them. The Legion fought valiantly, but they were gradually overwhelmed. Chordez himself fell in combat, leading his troops from the front, becoming another valiant casualty of the Day of Sorrows.   Despite the loss of their leader, the remaining Legion troops held out until the last, their courage unwavering even in the face of inevitable defeat. By the end of the seventh night, the last of the Ochal Legion had fallen, their bodies joining those of their comrades on the field of battle.   The Battle of Moord's Shadow concluded with the fall of the ground-side generator station. The city of Moord was plunged into darkness, its safety net severed. The Day of Sorrows marked the end of the Ochal Legion's expedition, and with it, the last flicker of hope for the survival of Fallen Asha.   In the years following the battle, the Day of Sorrows has come to symbolize the tragic cost of bravery and duty. The sacrifice of the Ochal Legion, and especially Legate Legiones Chordez, continues to inspire future generations, serving as a potent reminder of the unyielding spirit of humanity, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
Battlefield Type
Start Date
22 Mirtul 2145
Ending Date
29 Mirtul 2145


Ochal Legion
Grey Horde


21,500 Legion Troops
Circa 1,000,000 Undead Troops


21,500 Legion Troops
Circa 400,000 Undead Troops


Link Up with Moord
Erradicate the Legion

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