The Grey Markets

In the shadowy underbelly of the Ochal Confederacy, a network of illicit trade has taken root, dealing in the most dangerous of commodities: goods infected by the Grey Plague. Known as the Grey Markets, these clandestine bazaars represent not just a threat to public health, but a moral decay that gnaws at the very foundations of society.  

Origins and Operations

  The Grey Markets emerged in the wake of the Lost Barony's fall to the Grey Plague. As the nanomachine scourge consumed vast swathes of land, opportunistic scavengers began venturing into the infected zones, retrieving valuable artifacts, resources, and technologies left behind in the hasty evacuations. Despite the quarantine measures put in place by the Ochal Confederacy, these scavengers found ways to smuggle their tainted goods across borders, meeting a demand fueled by desperation, curiosity, and greed.  
Every trinket from the Grey Markets carries two prices: the coin you pay, and the corruption you invite into your home.
— Inquisitor Thorne of the Vedras City Guard
  The Grey Markets operate through a complex network of smugglers, fences, and black market dealers. Goods are often passed through multiple hands before reaching their final buyers, making it difficult for authorities to trace their origins. Common locations for Grey Market dealings include abandoned warehouses, secret underground chambers, and even the back rooms of seemingly reputable businesses.  
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Traded Goods and Their Appeal

  The allure of Grey Market goods lies in their perceived value and the taboo surrounding them. Common items found in these illicit bazaars include:  
  • Ancient Hazradian artifacts recovered from ruins in the Lost Barony
  • Exotic materials and minerals altered by exposure to the Grey Plague
  • Scavenged technology, often unpredictable due to nanomachine corruption
  • Flora and fauna specimens from the infected zones, sought after by unscrupulous researchers
  • "Grey Elixirs" - concoctions claiming to grant immunity to the plague (invariably fraudulent and dangerous)
  Buyers range from desperate individuals seeking miracle cures to wealthy collectors obsessed with acquiring forbidden relics. Some purchase these goods out of a misguided belief that controlled exposure to the Grey Plague might grant immunity, while others are simply thrilled by the danger and exclusivity associated with owning tainted artifacts.  

The Vedras City Outbreak

  The true danger of the Grey Markets was starkly illuminated by the devastating Grey Plague outbreak in Vedras City in 2198 AP. What began as a localized infection in the city's Harbor Quarter rapidly spiraled into a crisis that threatened the entire metropolitan area.   The outbreak was traced back to a popular night market in the Harbor Quarter, where a Grey Market dealer had been selling "enchanted" trinkets recovered from the Lost Barony. Unbeknownst to the buyers, these items were heavily contaminated with active Grey Plague nanomachines. Within days, the first cases of infection appeared, and the nanomachines began to spread rapidly through the dense urban environment.  

Timeline of the Outbreak

Day Events
1-3 First cases appear in the Harbor Quarter; initially mistaken for a common illness
4-7 Infection spreads rapidly; Harbor Quarter quarantined; panic begins to set in
8-14 Cases appear in other districts; city-wide lockdown implemented; military called in
15-30 Massive containment and purification efforts; thousands evacuated or quarantined
31-60 Outbreak gradually brought under control; Harbor Quarter remains uninhabitable
  The Vedras City outbreak claimed over 10,000 lives and left the Harbor Quarter a desolate, quarantined zone. The economic impact was severe, with trade disrupted for months and the city's reputation tarnished. Even years later, the scars of the outbreak remain visible in the abandoned buildings and the haunted looks of survivors who lost loved ones to the Grey Plague.  

Societal Impact and Response

  The Vedras City outbreak brought the dangers of the Grey Markets into sharp focus, prompting a severe crackdown by authorities across the Ochal Confederacy. New laws were enacted, imposing harsh penalties on those caught trading in Grey Plague-contaminated goods. The Confederacy also established specialized units within city guards and military forces, trained to detect and safely dispose of tainted artifacts.   Despite these measures, the Grey Markets persist, driven underground by increased scrutiny but sustained by the ever-present demand for their dangerous wares. The trade has become a symbol of moral decay in the Confederacy, representing the willingness of some to risk not just their own lives, but those of entire communities in pursuit of profit or forbidden knowledge.  

Ongoing Threats and Challenges

  The continued existence of the Grey Markets poses several challenges for the Ochal Confederacy:  
  1. Public Health: Each tainted artifact represents a potential vector for a new Grey Plague outbreak.
  2. Security: The smuggling networks used by Grey Market traders could potentially be exploited by more sinister forces.
  3. Social Cohesion: The trade fosters distrust and paranoia, as neighbors suspect each other of dealing in tainted goods.
  4. Resource Drain: Significant manpower and resources must be devoted to combating the Grey Markets, diverting them from other pressing needs.
  Moreover, there are concerns that extended exposure to Grey Plague nanomachines might lead to new, more resilient strains of the plague, potentially overwhelming existing containment measures.  


  The Grey Markets stand as a grim reminder of the moral compromises some are willing to make in a world teetering on the brink of oblivion. As long as there are those willing to risk everything for a taste of forbidden power or knowledge, this dangerous trade will persist, a cancer eating away at the heart of the Ochal Confederacy.  
In the Grey Markets, we see the true face of our decay. It is not the nanomachines that will be our undoing, but our own greed and folly.
— Mage-Baron Pasht of Vedras
  As the Ochal Confederacy continues its struggle against this insidious threat, the question remains: can society overcome its darkest impulses, or is the lure of the Grey Markets simply too strong to resist in these dying days of Autumna?

Cover image: by AI Generated Image


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