The Last Dream of IAE

In the twilight hours of Autumna, as reality frays and whispers of impending doom grow louder, a chilling prophecy has emerged. Known as "The Last Dream of IAE," this shared vision of the world's final moments has spread among seers, prophets, and sensitives across the land, painting a terrifying picture of creation's end.  

Origins of the Vision

  The first recorded instance of The Last Dream occurred in 2156 AP, when a circle of seers in the Ochal Confederacy experienced a simultaneous, overwhelming vision during a ritual scrying. Since then, reports of similar visions have surfaced across Autumna, each bearing striking similarities despite the diverse backgrounds of those experiencing them.  

Content of the Vision

  Those who have experienced The Last Dream describe a series of vivid, disturbing images. They speak of a vast, cosmic form writhing in agony, its features constantly shifting but unmistakably feminine. Reality itself seems to warp and tear, with entire continents dissolving into prismatic mist. The stars in the night sky go out one by one, leaving an oppressive void. A cacophony of discordant voices rises, as if every being in creation is screaming in unison. Finally, a blinding flash of light engulfs all, followed by absolute nothingness.   Seers interpret these images as a representation of IAE's final moments, as the cancer in her divine mind reaches its terminal stage. Many have noted the presence of a malevolent, shadowy entity in these visions, which scholars have come to associate with Canker, the manifestation of IAE's sickness.    

Stages of Dissolution

  Scholars studying The Last Dream have identified several stages in the prophesied end of the world. The first stage, known as The Fraying, is marked by increasing instability in reality. Random objects, creatures, or even entire regions phase in and out of existence. During this phase, sightings of Ravagers, the physical embodiments of Canker's corruption, become more frequent.   The second stage, The Sundering, sees the bonds between planes of existence beginning to break down, leading to catastrophic collisions between realms. The Ravagers grow in power and number, their presence accelerating the decay of reality.   In The Unraveling, the fundamental laws of nature start to fail, causing widespread chaos and the breakdown of all natural systems. Canker's influence becomes nearly omnipresent, its corruption visible in the very fabric of the world.   The Silence follows, where all magic ceases to function as IAE's power wanes, leaving the world in a state of primal chaos. The Ravagers run rampant, unopposed by the mystic arts that once held them at bay.   In the final moments, known as The Void, all of creation is drawn back into IAE's dying mind, leaving nothing but an endless emptiness.  

Impact on Society

  The spread of The Last Dream has had a profound impact on the people of Autumna. Religious orders debate its significance, with some seeing it as a call to save IAE, while others view it as an inevitable apocalypse. Governments struggle to maintain order as panic spreads, with some choosing to suppress knowledge of the vision.   Adventurers and scholars have redoubled their efforts to find a cure for IAE's condition, seeing it as the only hope for averting the prophesied end. Meanwhile, nihilistic cults have formed, embracing the coming oblivion and seeking to hasten its arrival. Some of these cults worship Canker and the Ravagers, viewing them as harbingers of a new, chaotic existence.  

Theories and Speculations

  While many accept The Last Dream as a true prophecy, others offer alternative explanations. Some theorize it could be a mass hallucination caused by the increasing instability of reality. Others suggest it might be a defense mechanism of the dying universe, spurring its inhabitants to action.   A few fringe scholars propose that the vision is actually being sent by the Qhuss or another entity, using the chaos to manipulate the population. Some even whisper that Canker itself might be the source of these visions, planting seeds of despair to weaken the resolve of those who would stand against it.  

Hope Amidst Despair

  Despite the bleak nature of The Last Dream, some find hope in its warnings. They argue that foreknowledge of the end provides an opportunity to prevent it, spurring efforts to heal IAE or find a way to stabilize reality in her absence. Others seek ways to combat Canker and the Ravagers directly, believing that if these manifestations of IAE's sickness can be defeated, the GODHEAD might be saved.   As Autumna teeters on the brink of oblivion, The Last Dream of IAE serves as both a dire warning and a call to action. In the face of cosmic horror and the unraveling of reality itself, the people of this dying world must decide how they will spend their final days - in despair, in hedonistic abandon, or in a desperate struggle to save all of creation.