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Violet Raine

Violet Raine

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin build, much like an acrobat.

Facial Features

Blue Lips

Physical quirks

Skin sparkles in the moonlight.

Following in her father's footsteps, but not casting a shadow...

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Electric Blue
Black with Blue Highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with subtle blue undertone that shimmers in the moonlight
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Wait, What Happened - WBTW

So while I was resting, the rest of the party went through a creepy library on a boat. Now we are exploring the castle in Yond, found a giant that is hungry as fuck. Fed that bitch a cake. She happy now. Found out that the hags is using baba yaga magic to make shady deals even though they were denied access to the rituals in writing. Found a jabberwok that was sleeping. The only way to kill it is with a magic sword in a vault that opens to using the queens real name. Unfortunately, all of the hag sisters are in the way. They have to be dealt with.

Come Hell or High Water, We Are Going Hither

We head back to Hither. We decide to do a bit of exploring before hunting for the unicorn horn hardcore. We go to the northern lake and see a lakehouse just offshore. I make a fancy raft out of boardwalk and yucca rope. It is probably the best raft I have ever made with rudimentary materials. We sail out to the island and Rob notices that there are skeletons guarding the door to the house. He watches for a while and notices that they loop their actions and that they are probably and illusion. We call out and no one answers. We head up to the front door and knock. A voice yells, go away. Then it claims that there is a beholder in there and that he is dead.... I open the door and look for traps, saying that we are going to help the with the beholder. I see a trip wire rigged to a stack of books by the door and tell the group. An illusion of a beholder comes toward us and I just ignore it. The voice says, fine come in, walk where I walk to avoid traps. I dont want you here but I have to offer you tea. He is a small half orc man named Sprig. He wants to be alone with his books. He knows everything about us and he doesnt like adventurers because he used to be one and everyone died. So he want to be alone with his books. He gives us a scroll of locate object to get us to go away. I want him to adopt me and be my grandpa. He says no. He says that Pipis breath still smells like blood. He has a private convo with Petra and she is upset when we leave. Then a sucker comes floating toward her from the lake and it is dry and pristine. ... I try to get it to do something for me but nothing happens. We go to the Brigands Tollway and talk to some bunnys about what happens with the memories after they steal them. He says he doesnt know they just go to Bavlorna. They are also vegetarian and their breath does not smell like blood. They also havent seen a unicorn horn. We decide to go have a rest on the Hill and to see our snail buddy. He is happy to see us and has gotten fat from all the apples. Jingle Jangle has not seen a unicorn horn. We go to Bavlornas and ask her where she lost the unicorn horn. She says in yond at her sisters and takes our air elemental gift from Rob. High price, feels like we have been had. We get into long discussions about whether or not we should just kill the hags, I crave violence and the great hunt. They remind me that they want to get the kids out and the boggle oil and that Scabbetha still has something of theirs that they want back so they probably need her alive. At their request, I will hold off on my blood thirsty bow.

Portals, Lost Love, and Loomlurch

We revisit Nib and he makes a cool magic item for our Birdman. We decide to go to a few more of the toadstool/fairy circles. We go to one full of lued toadstools that are jerks. We trap one in a jar and attempt to reassemble the fairy circle to re-activate the portal. It doesn't work. We head toward another fairy circle by Loomlurch and we encounter a mushroom that is basting itself in butter at a goblin's request while he gathered firewood. We tell him the goblin wants to eat him and we take the mushroom with us to save it. The next fairy circle has non-animated mushrooms and it takes us to a forest, at night, in a different plane maybe? We go out in the forest to explore and encounter a caravan of people speaking a language we cant understand. They reluctantly invite us into the camp and sort of draw that the portal works at dawn to go back. We go back through the portal in the morning and head up to Loomlurch to rescue more kids. A Dryad stops us on the way and we explain that we are not working for the hag. She gives us some pass without a trace seeds to apologize. At Loomlurch, the hag is waiting for us and tries to get us to do work for her. She wants us to stop or interfere with a play, find the unicorn horn that her sister lost, and something i cant remember. We decline and leave. She says that we will regret rejecting her offer.

Carry on my Wayward Children

We race away from the Loomlurch and get the sense that we are being followed. Cradlefall the dragon attacks us and Violet almost kills it. We try to unlock the mystery of the portal but we are unable. Petra releases the mushroom guy back to his family in the mushroom circle. We run into an old centaur that tells us the children will be safer with the treant or in the pool. I think he tells us there is a unicorn there. We head toward the magic pool and find out that it has some kind of magic that keeps teleporting us back to where we started 1000 ft from it. So we cant get there. We go back to the balloon and tell it to meet us at the treant. We walk the kids to the treant and meet Will of the Feywilds. He is super excited that we rescued kids. We notice he has a displacer beast baby. EJ puts the mirror ball out and the beast baby gets excited and acts like it remembers it. We explain that we know its mother and that she is looking for him. He agrees that we should take the baby back to its mom, if we can rescue the other kids from Loomlurch. We agree that is a good plan. We ask how to get the teleportation portals to work and he doesnt know. He gives a signed wanted poster to Alya. He says that Squirt knows how to get to Yonder, you have to act like a unicorn to get close to the pool and to light the basin to call the unicorn, and that Nib might know. He has a cave down south. We return the portrait to Bavlorna and feel a great weight lift. Violet attempts to spy on her and she is caught. We leave and go back to Thither. We go to Nib and he explains that he is cursed and must make items from his gold to make up for his ill deeds. He makes Violet a cloak of protection. She feels the need to uncurse him and to get him back to Waterdeep to properly help people. We head over to the pools and act like unicorns and gain entrance. Violet acts like a unicorn for a little too long and whinnies at the actual unicorn. The unicorn tells us that her mate had his horn stolen to imprison Belina. So that is the key to getting her out. Turns out that Belina is the one in the painting that Violet has. Her mate has disappeared and we want to find him. An assassin jumps from the shadows and attacks the unicorn, she teleports away and the assassin attempts to leave, but we cant let him leave with the secrets that protect this area. Petra explodes him.

Off Tither

We head toward Tither with Clapperclaw as our guide and our trusty pilot, Lady Morgort. Violet explains her returned memories. Rob inhales swamp gas and gets the hiccups. Alya saves us from mud mephits.   Chucklehead Elkhorn

Swamp Witch Negotiations

EJ, Alya finally catch up to us. We just finished killing the clog in Bavlorna's tub. We head upstairs and look around. I go out on a balcony and find the Satyr from my vision. He is naked in a cage hanging over the water. We talk and I give him candy. I get Alya to pick the lock and let the satyr out. We rescue Vansle the satyr. He goes to the pantry to drink and I ask him for a life debt, but he gives me a health potion and his safe word instead. It's asparagus. Mine is too. Rob and Vansel have sex in the pantry. Petra finds a mushroom that talks. We go in and Bavlorna says that we should go get her delivery from the town in order to make up for the broken still and she will tell us how to get back what we lost. We go get the stuff. She says that she has it and will return it if we do something else. She will give us a balloon and our missing items and the head for our guide.   We make a deal with Bavlorna to retrieve a portrait from her sister Scabbetha. I receive my ability to keep secrets back. I remember going to the Witchlight carnival as a kid and sneaking in without a ticket. A beautiful woman gives me candy and it makes me feel really warm and happy. She says to tell my father hello for her. We go to see the king and Illig is the new king. We request that he release the lady in jail because we need her to pilot the balloon. She agrees and we give the scarecrow guy his head back. He is happy and agrees to lead us to the Tither. We say we need to park our snail in a safe place and he says Tulumne hill. They will meet us in the balloon at the hill.         coolest moments: the horny satyr and rob, negotiating with Bavlorna, getting our memories back,

A Tad-Pole-itical... Episode 7

We meet a bullywug in a jail cell. He helped Sir Talivare escape. We ask her about Illig. She thinks its one of the larger houses on the end of town, a duke he believes. We see a spooky balloon made of glass and a storm trapped inside. The two inside, Bobble and Trinket are super creepy. They cant be trusted. They want the color of your eyes or the rhythm of your step for payment. Violet walks away. She's creeped out. Pipis trades his brown red eye color for the moonlight monocle so he can see at night. We go to Illig and he tells us of his plan to kill the king by fake tripping with a dagger. We tell him to hold off on that because Bavlorna already wants to kill him. He agrees, and tells us about her cauldron just north of his house. We go to the cauldron and I speak to the fire. The fire is called Magmin. Magmin is under a cauldron. That is his purpose. He makes a deal with Rob to provide him with dry wood and he will tell him the password to deactivate the magical trap on her cauldron lid. Rob goes and sells his rhythm to the balloon merchants for good dry wood. We give it to the fire and he tells us the password is spickle spackle or something. We take a sample of the fluid in the cauldron and Violet puts a dragon fly in a small bit, it turns into a massive dragonfly and flies away. We take two waterskins full of it and then attempt to dismantle the potion. Rob tries pooping in it to try to ruin it but doesnt get the feeling that it changed much. We go to Bavlornas house and she is not in the room we enter into. It is a bathroom type area with a lily pad, a mirror, broken dishes (hoarder house like) and a well thats clogged. There are mannikins in the corner and one has a fancy black hat. The mirror wont come clean and the well comes unclogged when I put a plate in it. It is a gelatinous cylinder. Our first instinct is to run, because i dont know if we are allowed to kill it and also its scary. Petra decides to fight it so I stay behind and try to help her. Pipis runs off and get permission to kill the clog, unknown to us. Rob ends up getting blown up in a different room. Chaos happens. Pipis returns to the fight telling us we have permission to kill it. We kill it, but not before it hits Petra with its acidic schlorp tentacle thing. Seems like we might need to bandage Petra and Rob up before returning to Bavlorna to tell her that her shitter is unclogged.     Coolest moments: dumper in the cauldron, sexy flame guy that loved hard dry wood, talking with the Illig and his dagger to the eye of the king killing plan, bullywugs reigns are short because they are stupid and or petty, listening to the petty politics, exploring the tower while we are fighting the cube, selling eye color from Pipis and rhythm of Rob's step.

Hither, Tither, and Where are We?...

We find ourselves traveling through the rising waters in Hither. It's hot and humid and getting dark. Violet smells stew in the distance and a large building walks in front of us and stops. This is an inn. It is called the Inn at the End of the Road. There is a woman that hosts us and she explains that they dont use currency but they do trades for services. Her name is Tsu. Violet trades her pixie house for food and a room. Others offer to help clean the inn for food and stay. Toward the end of the night, Violet speaks with her and she suggests a bath. Violet doesnt bath much and decides to do this. She asks Petra and Alya how she smells afterwards. The Inn moves toward the Brigands Tollway. In the morning, she takes out her retainer, gargles her candy liquor, and opens a music box and reads a book. EJ practices his martial arts. Petra reads about spells. We have breakfast and exit onto the Brigands Tollway. EJ fights the famous brigand, Agdon Longscarf, on the tollway. He barely wins. We head to Downfall and see a lot of frog monsters. We assist a man in catching some fire coals that are burning his house down. They are lil mischievous things. There are so many bullymogs talking on pikes along a bridge. We see the scarecrow guide we are supposed to meet and he wants his head in return. We agree. Then we go to meet the noble here and become nobles with the exchange that we have to take a book to the hag.   Rule of Hospitality. When a friend, an enemy, or a stranger enters your home, you are expected to be gracious and accommodating to them until such time as they prove, by their words or actions, undeserving of such hospitality. Rule of Ownership. You must not steal from a friend, an enemy, or a stranger. To take something that doesn’t belong to you without the rightful owner’s permission is a crime and an unforgivable breach of etiquette. Rule of Reciprocity. When a friend, an enemy, or a stranger offers you a gift, you are obliged to accept it and offer something of comparable value (be it a gift or a service) in return. Such reciprocation need not happen immediately.

The Slanty Tower of Prismeer

We head toward the slanty tower on the back of the snail. He moves a lot slower than the racing snails. As we look into the water we see visions. I see a satyr in a cage over a lake, hes sitting in a chair. I cant tell if he is distressed. Alya sees a scary lady with a meat clever. We get to the tower and see the basket dangling from the tower. Alya yells and a voice comes from the basket and says to be quiet. Two giant snakes show up and offer to eat us or for us to get them the person in the cage. Violet decided to go ahead and attack the snakes because they were jerks. She kills one of them and EJ kills the other and it explodes into a flower garden. We save a fairy dragon and he wants us to get him out of a magic cage. He says a goblin from Telemy Hill might have a key to get him out. He says that the witches have stopped time and imprisoned Zablena in a time freeze. Then the coven took over the Hither Tither and Yawn realms for themselves. One of the witches is a frog and sends minions that look like frogs out to do her bidding. Jingle Jangle the goblin will have a key to unlock Sir Talavar's cage. We get her truffles in exchange for getting out Sir Talavar from his cage. She eagerly goes in to help and finds a key to open the cage. There's a clink and the cage is open. Being in a cage is Jingle Jangle's greatest fear. The best guide in Hither is in downfall, he's a scarecrow, named Clapperclaw. He hangs out in Downfall, which is up north. Sir Talavar runs off and there is a note on the sword/dagger that says Our Valor Will Not be Forgotten. Violet takes up the dagger and feels the magic flowing through it. We attempt to open the gourds by force, but they wont open. Rob says they are magic and we need an unlocking spell. Bavlorna is the evil frog hag. We go past a well and Petra sees some lights circling. We head over and Violet doesnt want to look. Petra explains that we are going to save the realm for Zablina. They bless Rob, Petra, and EJ. They recommend that we get a boat. They were drowned by the hags and became ghosts. We head through a clearing and notice red skinned pointy eared thing in the marsh grass. It has a golden veil on. I offer the cage to it but it continues on without it. It is walking on stilts and has eggs on its back. We next encounter a bog with bones of dead in it. It is an old battlefield. Violet says that we should look for gear in the battlefield just in case there is something that we could use. Ej sees a suit of armor stand straight up. Ej says the battle is over and that it can rest now. They appear to be mirroring our movements. No easy way to get them on the snail and their enchantment is tied to the battlefield.   We arrive at the brigands tollway!   Coolest moments: Pipis distracted the snakes with the basket illusion. The hair smoke that lifted EJ. The three spirits that agreed to help us fight Bavlorna.

A Well Planned Watch Heist

We head over to the dragonfly rides and I ride Greg. Fred, Patrick and Delilah are the other mounts for my friends. I convince Greg to fly over the staff area so that I can get some insight into the easiest way into the caravan of Mr. Light. I see the main entrance and a pipe in the top with smoke coming out. Not a good way in. We fly back and go to some stalls and do a few small things. I win a pixie house that is unfurnished. We go to the pixie carnival and shrink. Pipis/Burly picks us up and let us in. We do some shenanigans and Alya invisibly grabs the watch and we make our escape. We observe the watch and note that it changes the time and moves the sun. We become large and go to bargain with Mr. Witch and Mr. Light. They turn spooky shadarkai like but agree to make a deal. I deceptively tell them that we found it. They agree to answer our questions and lead us to a portal in the Hall of Illusions. They tell us the magic phrase. I explain we need to gear up and I have some punches left on my ticket, so I go and get some gear at the ring toss.   I explain that we need new names for the Prismire trip and to never tell a fey your real/full name. Purple, Ember, EJ and Ashley are our new names.     I tell EJ a secret that she vomits when she goes through portals and grabs him and pulls him through. She explains that her training with her dad portal hopping never took and she always get sick.   We hear this when we go through the portal. Witch: “Mind the Rule of Three: future, present, past.” Light: “Find the alicorn and free the dormant queen at last.”   We see all kinds of different stuff in the vantage point and I notice a crashing hot air balloon about a mile away. We have to help them. We scramble down from the bridge and start heading that way. We are ambushed by some rabbit folk who want to steal my good memories. I try to heal myself with some candy, but they bludgeon me unconscious. I wake up to EJ holding my head in his lap reviving me. So dreamy. He smells like cotton candy. He helps me to my feet and I stumble over to help Alya with the snail mount. I offer it candy and explain that I beat up the mean people. He rubs against me lovingly and I climb weakly onto its back. EJ and Petra interrogate one of the rabbitfolk and he mentions that EJ must fight the master in the big stump and that the master wanted the memories. The memories are in magic gourds which we liberate from the ruffians.

Day 2 at the Witchlight Carnival

Somehow I have forgotten how the evening went. Oh well I am back at the carnival. I ran into EJ and the gang. We have a full day of fun ahead and hopefully it involves candy. We go over to the carousel first and discover it is up and running. The lady says that it needs routine maintenance regularly and is a lot to keep up with. We offer to help and she has us paint the name placards on the unicorns. They are riddle names and we eventually get it right and reanimate the horses. I ride the one named Fortune. There is also Bold, Coin, Pride, and... others. EJ rides next to me. It's nice. We go to get the special cookies next and ride the minecart of horrors. It doesn't seem all that scary, but Petra and Alya seem to be a bit spooked. The swan gondalas are going to be awesome! EJ was super into taking me on a ride and I am all about it. Turns out he also snuck into the carnival when he was young and also feels like he lost something... so weird, feels like I know him from somewhere.

The Chase is On!

Ejike and I begin tailing the Kenku that has been causing a ruckus. Our group notices our pursuit and joins us. The chase is on! The kenku starts running and we catch up to her. She blows some kind of sleep spell into EJ's face and he falls asleep. Distracted I attempt to help my fallen companion and Rob catches her. She agrees to talk to us after Rob's persuasion. Her name is Kettlestream and she has a pact with an arch fae from prismere? The carnival is from her realm and lately she hasn't felt her fae''s presence. She says that Mr. Witch and Mr. Light know more about what is happening there than what they will tell anyone. They talk about this mysterious masked group, Monarch masks or something. I can't remember. Haven't had enough candy. We agree to help her if she gives Candlefoot his voice back. She is reluctant but agrees only if we go to prismire. We attempt to get closer to the owners caravan, Pipis is leading the way, and we are interrupted by a mad clown looking guy. He escorts us the the caravan and Mr. Light invites us to tea. We drink and discuss small things like Arya and Petra's birthday. They give us tokens to get cake. I tell him my secret about how I feel like I am supposed to be here. He says he will keep my secret. We go to Candlefoot and tell him his voice should be back and he freaks out and runs away. He comes back after asking the mermaid to get married and is excited. He mentions that strange things are happening and people are going missing at the carnival. He says that Mr.Witch might be persuaded to talk if we had his watch. We go out to the pixie carnival, where we shrink down and find the only booze in the park! We drink and strategize about how we could get Mr. Witch's watch to persuade him to tell us the whole story. We play hide and seek with the pixies. I steal some pixie dust and fly to a candy stall and steal a piece of candy that is HUGE! EJ and I eat it together while we are small. We leave here and go get some kind of crazy hallucinagenic cookies. They are good. We see a shadow figure out of the corner of our eyes and attempt to follow it to no avail. We go to get cake next and then a guy on the edge of the main food area is getting his pocket picked by a scary fae frog! .... EJ runs up to it and it pulls out a dagger. I see this and shoot it from afar and kill it. The crowd thankfully thinks this is part of the show. The hands dump the body in the river. The guy that had his pockets picked and no wings runs away. The Witchlight carnival monarch ceremony ends in Arya getting crowned! We eat dinner with the owners and find out that they won the carnival in a card game in the shadowfell! Crazy! The carnival closing, we will have to come back to unravel the mystery, but first i need more punches on my ticket for candy. The goblin ticketmaster says he will give me a ticket in exchange for me to agree to give everyone i meet a compliment. Easy enough! I agree and take the ticket!

Tickets Upon Arrival?

We head to the carnival to buy tickets and are approached by a guy who says we cant buy tickets here. He asks for our names and after I give him mine, he says is my last name Raine. I said yes and he scampered off to and came back with tickets in a box with S.M. on it. Ejike goes to grab a ticket and I slap his hand. I felt a weird sensation like I knew him already, but not sure. Suddenly feeling embarrassed I hand him a ticket. We enter the carnival and we go to the Lost and Found. We meet a cat tentacle person that is playing with kids. The kid snatches something from lost and found and she snatches it back and scares the kid. We go to find the kid and convince him to go back. He agrees. We move on to a faerie dragon catching contest. I lose. We move to the Snail races and become jockeys for a punch. I rode the black snail, Queen's Majesty, and tied with Ejike on the pink snail named shelly moo. I got a advantage potion from winning. promised the snail candy. I ask Ejike if he wants to go on a candy date. He agrees. I blush. Weird feelings.   We see a halfling bend down on one knee in front of a cart and a female halfling laughing hysterically, he runs into the tent of illusions sobbing. We go to the hall of illusions and meet the mime at the ticket punch station, he gives up when the halfling runs by him. He asks us on paper to go get him with no charge. We agree. We brought out Reuben a sobbing halfling to safety outside. saw a spooky girl in a pig mask in the mirrors. apparently she told Reuben if he had regrets she can help and to follow her. I grabbed him and broke the charm. We leave and his fiance takes him at the entrance to another place. The mime at the gate of the hall of illusions says he wishes he could propose but his voice was stolen. I say I will find his voice. He said that pipi was looking for it and we should meet up with him. He said it was taken by a small black bird up to the north lake. a kenku. this kenku is causing chaos.   We head over to find Pipi napping and convince him to do his job.   The big top tent is having an opening ceremony. We go in and at the end of the events, they ask for anyone from the crowd that has impressive talents. Ejike raises his hand and I panic and raise mine. We do a dexterity feat with me shooting arrows at Ejike and he catching them out of the air. It is an amazing performance with roars from the crowd. We leave and go on our candy date. It is fun and not much on the date side, well kinda but we discuss having secrets and my need to not be able to keep them. His desire to keep them because he has strong shoulders.   We feed the snails candy thus keeping my promise.   The others attend a custard eating contest. I think Alya won against her toughest opponent.... Petra.   We go to look for the kenku at the lake and find a person that is heckling the mermaid song show. They seem to be able to through their voice everywhere. We notice them notice us and they go behind a cart and come out looking like a woman. I am the only one that notices, but I hide it well and EJ and I tail the heckler.


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