Shadow The Spark

Lord of Shadows (a.k.a. the Second)

Shadow The Spark, also know as The Second or the Lord of Shadows is the personal spy of The visionary.   He was an Elf who sacrificed his being to the shadows. He became a Half-Elemental of shadow to dedicate his life to the purpose of The visionary.   He is also and mostlty, thanks to his abilities, the Forgekeeper. He keep the sacred World Anvil. He is the only person with The visionary to know where it is kept. But he has never seen it even though he has already tried to enter his room.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He became a shadow without a physical body. He can, however, use objects and wear clothes through The visionary's magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Psychologically speaking, Shadow is a strong spirit. But since he is a shadow, he hears them talking to him. He learned to control them and even to use them to get information. But shadows are oppressive and spirits fail to sink into nothingness without the intervention of The visionary.   As he is a shadow, he fears the light even if he is not affected as much as a pure Elemental of shadow, he remains vulnerable and that handicaps him. Shadow is an altruistic person but his condition prevents him from exposing himself so he remains isolated from others. The only real contacts he has, are those with other Sparks and The visionary. He has become a discreet person who does not appear in public, so many people do not even know he exists.


Contacts & Relations

He is the pair with Blue The Spark, between the one who does not want to show himself and the one who can not show himself, things are going well. They support each other in their daily work very well as a team.
Shadow the Spark
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Second Spark, Enchanter of the Forge, GrandMaster Worldsmith, Forgekeeper.
Year of Birth
13954 A.F. 45 Years old
5'7 ft / 1m70
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The shadow sees all and knows all."
Aligned Organization


Author's Notes

In the Sparks' family, I want Shadow Malachi. Thanks to him for his collaboration.

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