Prophet of Aphorez

The Prophet of Aphorez is a figure steeped in mystery and fear, their name whispered in hushed tones across the Umbrasol Basin. Originating from the verdant wilds to the east, this enigmatic being is believed to be older than any city in the basin and harbors a malevolent intent to destroy its inhabitants.

Origins of the prophet

The true origins of the Prophet of Aphorez are shrouded in legend and conjecture. What is known is that the prophet was once an Elmier, a humanoid creature intrinsically tied to the land they inhabit. The Elmiers are a unique race, their appearance reflecting the characteristics of their surroundings. In their natural state, they are beings of harmony, their forms embodying the beauty and vitality of the land.
The prophet, however, represents a tragic deviation from this natural state. Once a revered priest in the verdant wilds, the prophet's life took a dark turn when the god of corruption, Aphorez, poisoned their mind and lands. Aphorez, a malevolent deity known for spreading decay and chaos, saw in the priest an opportunity to sow discord and destruction. The corruption of the priest was not just a physical affliction but a deep spiritual and mental transformation, turning them into a vessel of Aphorez's will.

Legend of transformation

The legend of the prophet's transformation is a tale of sorrow and horror. As the priest's mind succumbed to Aphorez's corruption, so too did the land they were bound to. The lush forests and vibrant glades of the verdant wilds began to wither and decay, mirroring the priest's internal torment. This process was slow and insidious, with the priest struggling against the encroaching darkness until finally, there was nothing left but the Prophet of Aphorez.
This transformation was not just a physical change but a complete overhaul of the priest's identity. The once benevolent Elmier, who had served as a guardian of the natural order, became a harbinger of destruction. The prophet's appearance altered dramatically, their once harmonious form now twisted and corrupted. Eyes that once reflected the serene beauty of the wilds now burned with a dark, unsettling light. Their skin, once smooth and vibrant, became rough and cracked, like the bark of a dying tree.

The prophet's mission

The Prophet of Aphorez's mission is singular in nature: to annihilate the people of the Umbrasol Basin. Driven by the will of Aphorez, the prophet's actions are fueled by a deep-seated hatred and a desire to spread corruption. They are a relentless force, using both their corrupted powers and their intimate knowledge of the land to orchestrate attacks and spread chaos.
The prophet's methods are as varied as they are ruthless. From summoning twisted creatures from the verdant wilds to unleashing plagues and curses upon the cities of the basin, their tactics are designed to maximize fear and suffering. The prophet's intimate knowledge of the natural world, combined with their corrupted powers, makes them a formidable adversary. They can manipulate the environment to their advantage, creating traps and hazards that bewilder and ensnare their enemies.

Encoutner's with the prophet

Over the centuries, there have been numerous encounters with the Prophet of Aphorez, each leaving a trail of devastation. These encounters are etched into the collective memory of the basin's inhabitants, forming the basis of many cautionary tales and legends.
One such encounter is the Battle of the Whispering Glade, where a contingent of wardens from Dunaforde faced the prophet and their minions. Despite their bravery and skill, the wardens were overwhelmed by the prophet's dark magic and the relentless onslaught of corrupted creatures. The glade, once a place of serene beauty, was left a desolate wasteland, and the few survivors returned with harrowing tales of the prophet's power.
Another notable event is the Siege of Eldergrove, a fortified town on the edge of the verdant wilds. The prophet led an army of corrupted beasts and summoned plagues that decimated the town's defenses. Only the intervention of a powerful mage from the city-state of Lumina saved Eldergrove from complete annihilation. The mage, at great personal cost, managed to repel the prophet, but the town was left scarred and weakened.


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