Around the Campfire in The Wilds | World Anvil

Around the Campfire


For the Nomads, a campfire is the centre of the community. It is the place where people gather in the mornings and evenings, where they talk, play and share. It is more than a central meeting place, it's the heart of their society.
While members of the camp may all have their own tents, caravans, wagons and so on to sleep in, and prepare their own meals should they choose to, morning and evening meals are also prepared at the campfire. There is generally a group of people who are responsible for cooking, and this job may change hands depending on what is being prepared. However, once prepared the food is left out and available throughout the day for anyone who needs it.  

In the Mornings

Tending the Fire

As with all jobs within a Nomad camp, tending the fire is a duty which is respected and shared amongst the group. Generally, there will be at least two people tending to it overnight, although some camps prefer to bank the fire and let it die before lighting it again the next morning. This depends on the number of people available to watch the fire, the risks involved, the weather and the time of year.   During the day, however, most camp implement a shift system rotating between different members of the camp throughout out the day, every few hours.  

Breakfast Foods

Warmed Buns

flour, thickened milk, oil
Prep Time
15min + 12 hrs
Cook Time
Mix dry and wet ingredients together to form a dough. Leave overnight. Wrap the dough around sticks and hold them over the campfire until done.

Usually made plain, however, these buns can have spices or fruit added to the dough on special occasions. While this is a breakfast dish, it is popular and often served with dinner as well. The dough is prepped the night before.


Prep Time
Cook Time
Collect from hive

Honey is found across The Wilds and is used to sweeten tea, to glaze meats and vegetables, but is most often eaten in the mornings as a dip for the warmed buns that are served around the campfire.


berries (e.g. blackberries, black currents, red currents, blue currents), honey
Prep Time
Cook Time
Add berries to saucepan with a small amount of water. Bring to the boil and simmer. Add honey and stir it in while simmering. Once set, remove from heat and skim off froth. Stir, add to jars and allow to cool.

The type may vary depending on the time of year and the abundance of berries in the area. Once jarred, the preserves keep for a long time, allowing for more variation at later dates.

During the Day

Announcements & Emergencies

The job of tending the fire is recognised as an important one, not only because of the importance of the fire in the preparation of food, but also because it means that there is always someone alert who can be found in case of an emergency.   Likewise, when announcements need to be made, the campfire is the central meeting point for people to gather near in order to hear the Chief Among Equals speak.  

Hot Beverages

Herbal Tea

herbs such as mint, thyme, rosemary, ginger, sage, hibiscus, pine
Prep Time
0 - 5 days
Cook Time
Allow the herbs to dry if necessary. Add to boiling water and brew until ready.

The herbs used depend on availability and whether the tea is being used as a treatment or a decaffeinated alternative to black tea.

Black Tea

tea leaves
Prep Time
3 - 5 days
Cook Time
Allow the leaves to dry, and press. Once prepped, add to boiling water and allow to steep until ready.

Nomads generally only drink this in the morning, due to the caffeine involved. It is considered a good start to the day, but is rare, as tea leaves are only found in Backwards of Yesteryear.


bones, leftover vegetables, herbs, water
Prep Time
Cook Time
Break the ingredients up and put into saucepan. Simmer until done.

Broth is reserved for the young, the elderly and the unwell. It is only prepared when there are people who are likely to use it, but is generally a bag on stand-by to be used in such an instance.

In the Evenings

Songs, Games and Socialising

The evening is the time that most of camp will come together around the fire. Whether the day has been a good one or not, there is always a song to sing that will fit the occasion, music to be played and stories to be told. This is a time for people to get to know each other better, to cement the bonds of the camp, as well as to pass on histories and lessons to others.   There are several games which can often be seen being played around the campfire. There are word and storytelling games, such as "If You'd Seen It" and "But Then", which are often played in larger groups. But there are also smaller two-, four- and six-person games such as "The Nine", "Save The Rabbits" and "Power of the Fist" which involve strategy and generally require a board and/or pieces.  


Roasted Meats

Meat (e.g. deer, rabbit, birds, fish etc.), honey, oil, herbs, salt
Prep Time
Cook Time
Prepare the meat, either by butchering it, or stuffing and mounting the animal on a spit. Coat with mix of honey, oil, herbs and salt to taste. Cook over the fire until cooked through.

The evening meal almost always includes meat of some kind, or it is at least on offer for those who want it. The type of meat depends on the part of The Wilds they are in and the success of the hunters.

Roasted Vegetables

Vegetables (e.g. potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, swedes, parsnips, onions, leeks etc.), honey, oil, salt, herbs
Prep Time
Cook Time
10min - 50min
If roasting in pan then chop, then add to pan and nestle amongst embers or over fire. Alternatively, rest two or more sticks against the fire and place vegetables on the sticks to keep out of embers. Coat in oil, honey, herbs and salt and roast until cooked

Never an evening passes without roasted vegetables being cooked on a Nomad's campfire. It is a staple of Nomad culture.


Meat (see Roasted Meats), Vegetables (see Roasted Vegetables), Broth (see Broth), pulses, herbs, salt
Prep Time
Cook Time
45min - 1hr
Chop ingredients and add to a large pan over fire with water. Allow to simmer, keeping from boiling and stir regularly. until thickened

Stews are generally made with the leftovers from the previous day, and are often served with a warmed bun, or something similar to mop up the juice.


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Jun 2, 2024 16:03 by Secere Laetes

Really a very nice article. I like the arrangement and how you've incorporated the food into the camp routine. I also think it's very logical that there are no leftovers - anything else would be very difficult.

Jun 2, 2024 17:15 by Elspeth

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! <3

Jun 3, 2024 08:45 by Angantyr

I love how the article is structured, telling not only the story of what people eat, but also of the importance of time and place. It makes the immersion all the more intense.

Playing around with words and worlds
Jun 3, 2024 17:40 by Elspeth

Thank you so much! It was such a fun challenge. I'm glad you enjoyed it. <3