Campsite In The Lost Forest At the Southern Foot Of The Candid Mountains


The Lost Forest takes up a large portion of the Eastern side of the Known World, wrapping around the eastern side of the Candid Mountains, and stretching from the Lasting Sea in the southeast to the Lakes of the Thawing Twins in the centre.
  This campsite sits on the Eastern side of the Lost Forest and is sheltered from the northern winds by the Candid Mountains. The Candid River runs to the east of the campsite, providing a source of water and a natural barrier. The yew trees around the campsite provide shelter from the elements and provide a home for the animals who live there.


Natural Resources

The campsite has natural flowing water which is clean and cool as it runs directly from the Candid Mountains. There are an abundance of plants which can provide sustenance and there are animals such as rabbits and birds which can be hunted. The Candid Mountains, nearby, are a good source of rocks and stones, and further north there are caves where metal and iron ores can be found.


The Campsite in the Lost Forest at the Southern Foot of the Candid Mountains is used by the Nomads camps which are travelling through the area. As with all other campsites across the Known World, a camp will likely stay here no longer than nine or ten moons before moving on and could stay here for a much shorter amount of time.
  It is traditional that, after a camp is finished using the campsite, they return the site to the same state as when they found it. This is done by taking everything with them, planting trees and plants where necessary and occasionally leaving treats such as preserves and dried herbs in places where they can be found by the next group of Nomads to pass through the area.


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Jul 8, 2024 22:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really love the idea that they leave some treats behind for the next group of Nomads to come along. What a lovely idea. Makes me want to go camping.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 9, 2024 20:41 by Elspeth

Thank you! <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Aug 14, 2024 03:14 by Lady Wynter

What drew me to this article is that I like nature and I like camping

Bringing the Light
Aug 19, 2024 20:50 by Elspeth

I'm glad that drew you in! <3

So many worlds to choose from...