Heks Profession in The Wilds | World Anvil



Heks is a profession which is a central part of the culture of the Nomads. It is something like a magic-weaver and is a respected position. It is not recognised by the Townsfolks.  


Long ago, a heks was thought of as a gift from the gods or to be gifted by the gods with these special abilities. That changed when there were several heks who used their "gift" for their own advancement, and counter to the natural order of things as the Nomads saw it.   Another theory was that the heks were actually the tools of the gods, so that when their actions went against the socially acceptable norms, they were there as tests and part of the game the gods play with mortals rather than as representatives of the gods.   It is now more commonly thought that there is some innate ability within an heks which allows them to weave magic.

Recognising a Heks

It is easier for one heks to recognise another than it is for a layperson to recognise one, especially if they have not yet tapped into their source of magic. A heks may notice the innate magic of another before the heks recognises it in themselves.   For those living in a camp with a heks, they may realise they have some ability at an early age - usually around their seventh or eighth year - however for those who are not so lucky it may lay dormant for years. It is estimated that 10% of heks born never manifest anything at all and go through life without knowing of their magic, simply because they do not believe it would happen to them.    


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