Nomad Marriage Tradition / Ritual in The Wilds | World Anvil

Nomad Marriage


The Nomad approach to marriage is much like their views on religion, in that they recognise that everyone is entitled to their own ideas about what a marriage should be.   Marriages may or may not be of interest to the Gods of The Nomads. It is possible if the marriage is significant enough in a way which impacts more than those involved, that the gods may pay attention, but this is unlikely and hoped for if not expected.   They are, however, generally of interest to the other Nomads. Especially as they are always an excuse for a celebration, and the Nomads love a celebration.


Marriage is about joining two or more people together in a way which recognises their union as more than a passing thing.   It serves neither a legal nor financial purpose. It is a social arrangement, celebration and promise between those involved, and a chance for everyone else to witness their joy.


  • Two or more people
  • Everyone enters willingly and with enthusiasm
  • Vows are written by the participants
  • Only wellwishers are invited to witness the ceremony


The ceremony traditionally takes place at sunrise or sunset, in a clearing in the forest which may have been decorated for the occasion. The ceremony is led either by the Chief Among Equals for the camp, or another well-regarded person within the camp at the request of those getting married.   The ceremony starts with a short speech by the person leading the ceremony, talking about those getting married and wishes for the future. Next, various members of the community will step forward and say a few words, either about their memories of those getting married, or with wishes and hopes for them. Once this is done, those getting married make their promises to each other. The ceremony is completed by everyone shouting, "And so may it be, and so may it last."   The ceremony is traditionally followed by a day and night of eating and drinking and dancing. Those getting married are not expected to be present for all of it, but they will be expected to dance with anyone who asks to.  


Once married, the couple, thruple or other multiple, live and work together in whatever arrangement suits them best. Whether or not they are monogamous is the choice of the married group. They can argue and disagree as they need to, as long as they are happy together.   If at any stage they decide that the marriage is not working for one or more of them, they are able to separate. The separation should be announced to the camp so that everyone is aware of the social change.  


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