Religion of The Towns Organization in The Wilds | World Anvil

Religion of The Towns



The religion followed by the Townsfolk doesn't have a name. The Nomads refer to it as "the religion of the Townsfolk" or "the religion of one god", as it is mostly monotheistic.   The 'mostly' comes from the fact that while they only recognise one god, they walk openly about other powers which affect the world and those who live in it. These other powers are broken up into two distinct groups. Each group has many different members but there are three which are popular in each.  

The God

Lawful Good

The god is often referred to as The Protector or The Patron, and occasionally as The Authority. No one knows his real name.   He is pictured as an older man who is all-seeing and all-knowing. The Protector is often judgemental, sometimes vengeful and is in a constant battle with The Forces, with only The Angels at his side for support.

The Forces


The Forces are everything which is wrong with the world. They cause people to do bad things as well as being to blame for any bad luck, injury or illness which may befall someone. Three of the most common are:  
  • Temptation
  • Chaos
  • Greed

The Angels


Unlike The Forces, The Angels are everything that is right with the world and were created by The Protector as an example to mankind as to what they should endeavour to be like. Three of the most common are:  
  • Chastity
  • Piety
  • Humility

Fundamental Beliefs

Within in the Religion of The Towns, there are several fundamental beliefs which are at the centre of how they worship, why they worship, and how they expect people to behave. These beliefs are obviously complex and nuanced, but can be summarised with the following generalisations:  

Nothing man does is the fault of man

Men are tempted onto the wrong path and into doing wicked things by The Forces, often in the guise of other people they know. This means that were a man to commit a crime he would likely have done so because one of The Forces tricked him into behaving that way.   That does not mean that the man will not be punished for his actions, because his punishment will act as ammunition against The Forces for both him and others who may be corrupted again in future.

A person overcome by The Forces is Evil

It is possible for a person - man or woman, but most likely woman - to become overcome by The Forces and to become Irredeemably Evil. This person may not even know that they have been possessed by The Forces, and this is likely to make them even more deceitful and manipulative.   It is possible to spot the signs of being overcome and if the person repents and gives themselves over to The Protector, then they can be saved.

The Protector is always right

As an all-seeing and all-knowing god, The Protector always acts in the best interests of Good, as it is understood by the Townsfolk. If something good happens, it is the will of The Protector.   This extends to The Protector's representatives in the world, making the position of cleric within a town an extremely powerful one. These people are seen as the hand servants of The Protector and therefore always right for they are acting on his behalf under his order.

The battle is constantly raging

The battle between good and evil is an ongoing war which has many victims and will not stop until Evil is forever driven from the land and everyone recognises the glory of The Protector.   As everyone knows there are casualties in war, the same is true here. The Protector is busy, fighting for good, and cannot be expected to worry about every petty mortal request, and sometimes his actions may first cause harm before they lead to good. But it is all done for the right cause.

The Forces sometimes win a skirmish

There are times when The Forces will win. This is not because The Protector is not strong or mighty, or weaker than The Forces. It is because The Forces are Evil and manipulative and as such they don't fight fair.   It is possible for Evil to win in small ways, which is why it is important to worship The Protector and put the weight of belief behind him. He is all-powerful, but everyone must take up a weapon to fight against The Forces.


The worship of The Protector is done regularly in a very public way. While it is possible to pray to The Protector in private, and ask for strength and guidance to steer clear of The Forces and to recognise The Angels, the worship of the god must be done in the correct setting.  

The Setting

The correct setting for worship is in a church. These churches are built to the specifications of The Protector, each with a large tower which acts both as a clear marker to make it visible for miles around, and also as a symbol for the sword of justice that The Protector uses daily to keep The Forces at bay.   Worship is held in these churches twice a week, and these services are expected to be attended by everyone in the town. It is a chance for the Cleric to lecture on the word of The Protector, and point out to the congregation their observations on who may be in danger from The Forces. It is also possible for fellow townsfolk to share their concerns for others who they have noticed behaving in a corrupted or evil way, so that they might be saved by the Cleric before they are overcome.


Clerics are considered to be the representatives of The Protector inside a community, and are believed to receive orders directly from him. They are, of course, all men, as men are less likely to be corrupted by The Forces than women are.   Clerics lead sermons on the word of The Protector and help lead others away from The Forces with whatever means they deem necessary.


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