The Forests of The Wilds in The Wilds | World Anvil

The Forests of The Wilds


There are many forests in the area of the world known as The Wilds - the world which is known by the Nomads - and each has its own unique heritage and makeup. All of these forests are boreal forests, and by the nature of forests have a range of trees, however, there are some which are more common in these areas than others, which is how the Nomads tell them apart.   The information below includes the types of trees which are most common in this area, the amount of area the forest covers and the percentage of the forest which have been mapped by the Nomads.  

Backwards of Yesteryear

28 days travel

Backwards of Yesteryear is by far the least mapped of the forests in the known world. This is because the forest was used by previous generations, but they had moved on over 100 years ago, looking for pastures new.

Cedar Trees

The Cedars of Backwards of Yesteryear grow between 40m - 60m high, with thick ridged or square-cracked bark, and broad level branches. They are evergreen.   Part of the reason it was home to the Nomads of years long passed was due to these strong branches, which were often used for building everything from storage to residences.

Endless Forest

25 days travel

The Endless Forest is the primary stomping ground of the Nomads. This is where their main camp is, and is a favourite with them.

Pine Trees

The Pine Trees in the Endless Forest are magnificent evergreens which grow 60m - 80m tall and usually live for more than 1,000 years. The bark is thick and scaley and they drop thin needles and pine cones. The branches of the Pine Trees are mostly thin and brittle.   The floors of the Endless Forest are mostly covered in moss, with some patches of thick brush-like grass.

Forest in the Beyond

32 days travel

The Forest in the Beyond is hard to traverse due to the often water-logged ground, so there are many constructed paths made with condensed soil or stones which provide the means for carts and horses to travel easily through it.

Alder Trees

The Alder Trees in the Forest in the Beyond are deciduous and grow between 35m - 45m tall. They have either a silvery-white coloured bark or a thicker dark bark.   The grounds of the Forest in the Beyond are water-logged and therefore damper than others, which helps the Alder trees grow. There are also smaller shrubs of the same alder family which cover much of the ground around the trees.

Forest of the Lowlands

30 days travel

The Forest of the Lowlands is so called partly because it is found in the lower portion of the map, and partly because the trees here are shorter than those in any other part of the world as it is known by the Nomads.

Oak Trees

The Oak Trees of the Forest of the Lowlands are between 30m - 40m tall. They are hardwood deciduous trees which can live 2,000 to 3,000 years. They drop acorns which take three to five years to mature, and have both small flowers and catkins.   There are at least 20 different species of oak in the Forest of the Lowlands. They are known for being very hardy and adaptable.

Lost Forest

46 days travel

The Lost Forest takes up a large portion of the Eastern side of the Known World, wrapping around the eastern side of the Candid Mountains, and stretching from the Lasting Sea in the southeast to the Lakes of the Thawing Twins in the centre.

Yew Trees

The Yews of the Lost Forest grow between 40m - 50m tall. The bark is thin, scaly brown, and comes off in small flakes, and they have broad trunks. They have been known to live up to 6,000 years, but most live 3,000 - 5,000 years.   They have small red berries which are toxic and their leaves are also potentially deadly when consumed.


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