
To the east of Arnor is the Lesser Ocean, and across that is another vast continent Arnorins generally refer to as Endoria (though, in truth, Endoria is only small portion of that continent). Covering much of the western edge of this continent and encompassing all or part of several nations such as Singea and Chay, is the Gangchag mountain range. It is a turbulent area, home to several volcanoes, notably Dvang, the largest volcano in the world. People who live there are accustomed to frequent earthquakes and minor eruptions.   There are at least five volcanoes in the Gangchag, four of which give occasional rumblings, have minor eruptions from time to time. The fifth is the largest of these, the affore-mentioned Dvang, known as the Volcano of Power (referring to the goddess, Power). It has not erupted in centuries, and if it ever does again, it would likely devastate most of the nation of Singea.   There are probably other inactive volcanoes in the region, but the lack of any activity from them and the difficulty of travel through some of the densest parts of the range have kept them undiscovered.


Most of the Gangchag is relatively dry, receiving only a few inches of rain and snow per year. Appearances can be deceiving, though, as most of the mountains are snow-covered. However, this is snow that has accumulated over hundreds of years.   Temperatures in the higher elevations are cold, though the lower valleys are mild and pleasant. There is not of lot of variation over the seasons. Winter is only a little colder than summer.

Fauna & Flora

The higher elevations of the Gangchag support little variety of plant life, other than grasses and small vegetation. The lower valleys support a slightly larger variety of plants, such as willows, poplars, bamboo, and tea bushes.   Animal life is more varied and includes tigers, bears, goats, and lynx in the lower elevations. In the high grasslands there are mountain antelope, yaks, snakes, and scorpions.

Natural Resources

The Gangchag is rich in mineral resources, including copper and gold. However, the general conditions of the region make it difficult to mine, so these resources have not been as exploited as might be expected.
Mountain Range

Cover image: by Geralt


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Aug 5, 2024 05:05 by Owen Davies

I can't wait to read more about the Arnorin view of this region and how it's effected the religion (as its named after them)

"The world is only as big as one makes it. So make it bigger by expanding your mind."   Nonvyrox A fantasy setting scarred by a divine war.   Checkout what I've written for Summer Camp 2024
Aug 6, 2024 02:06 by Michael Ray Johnson

Glad you like it! A large portion of Book 3 is set in this region and it will be revealing lots more information. :)