
The Kingsguard is a group of warriors who are the dedicated bodyguards of the monarch of Arnor (currently King Wavon II) and their family. Members are appointed by the monarch, generally from the Arnorin Army or Navy, or the promotion of guards at the Royal Palace in Arnor City. The unit continues to be called the Kingsguard, even when the ruling monarch is a queen.   In theory members of the Kingsguard are highly trained, elite warriors, who gain the position by proving themselves the best of the best. In practice, however, this is often not the case. As the monarch can choose whoever they want, many positions are gained through payment for favours or simple favouritism. The current Kingsguard is reasonably competent, as King Wavon has allowed his wife, Queen Annai, and his son, Prince Cerus to advise him on appointments. Although disliked on a personal level by the Queen, the new head of the Kingsguard, Captain Agwinton DeSeloön is a highly respected career soldier.



The Kingsguard generally numbers around two dozen, though this can go up or down due to retirement or death of members, or fast or slow appointment by the monarch. King Wavon has kept the numbers relatively steady. During his rule, the numbers have never gone below 20 and have been as high as 26.


The Kingsguard is led by a captain (curenntly Agwinton DeSeloön), though this rank can sometimes be higher if the individual had a higher rank in another organisation before joining the Kingsguard. However, this is somewhat uncommon. The captain usually has two sergeants (though again, the official ranks of these two can vary), who each oversee half of the remaining members. Depending on where the individual members came from it is theoretically possible for the captain or sergeants to have members with a higher rank serving under them. In these cases, the captain still commands, even if one the sergeants had a rank of general before joining the Kingsguard. However, such situations are exceedingly rare.   Of course, the monarch and any member of the monarch's family ranks above the Kingsguard's captain. Most competent captains, however, know when it's best to ignore or adjust an order when it is in the best interest of the monarch or their family to do so.


Martan the Conqueror formed the Kingsguard in 2126 shortly after crowning himself the first King of a united Arnor. Although the stories of Martan make him out to be a bear of a man who was a brutal and skilled warrior, the historical Martan was actually a smaller man with a keen mind for strategy and tactics, but with little actual fighting skill. He knew that if he was to maintain his position, he would need constant protection, as would his family and heirs.   Martan consulted with his best generals who had helped him win the war against Elooria and capture and kill the Dragon himself. They recommended to him the best possible options.   The original Kingsguard consisted of 18 members, all of them accomplished warriors and unwaveringly loyal. Since Martan's time, the Kingsguard's members have varied in their competency and loyalty.
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Cover image: by Geralt


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Aug 17, 2024 20:17 by Marjorie Ariel

I like the detail that they should be the best of the best, but this is not always the case because positions are sometimes granted as favors or favortism. I fear for any king that grants too many favors.

Aug 20, 2024 02:15 by Michael Ray Johnson

So glad you like!