The Riverlands


The Riverlands are a temperate, fertile section of land nestled between the split in the River Serenity. Home to well over half of all agricultural production on the continent, the region is defined by fields of waving grains, bursting vegetable patches, and complex gondola network that transports goods up and down the river. Most buildings have a chalet-style architecture, though new construction is pricey due to trade embargo with the Twilight Woods. As a result, some members of the Erina population have begun devoloping burrows beneath the ground.   


The population of the Riverlands is primarily composed of gnomes and erina (hedgehog folk). The regions was originally settled, and is now governed by, three clans: The Fiddlesticks (erinas), Popplebottoms (gnomes), and Dazzleberrys (gnomes). Predominantly farmers, food processors, and merchants, the people of the Riverlands tend to dress for outdoor labor.    The region's official standing army and police force are the Banks Brigade. In recent years, a militia group called the Riverland Raiders has been coordinating attacks on Orchards borderlands and annexing the land. Tensions are high at the beginning of our campaign.


chip on their shoulder 


Riverlands - conflict with Orchards, aligned with Hills? Kind of like modern day Russia, string standing army, pushing the boundaries and engaging in covert and overt conflict

Tea & Trade 

Roasted Barley Tea   Wide range of agricultural products, including but not limited to: 
  • Grains
  • Legumes
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits 

Key Places

  • Capitol?


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