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Goliaths were a large race of humanoids native to the mountainous regions of the World

Physical Traits

Anatomy and Morphology

Goliaths were massive. They averaged between 2.1 to 2.4 meters tall, making them even taller than dragonborn and half-orcs. Goliaths had noticeably bony or prominent supraorbital ridges above their eyes.Goliath eyes were often a bright blue or green and sometimes glowed a little.   Goliath skin was often gray or brown and was extremely tough (often compared to stone). One of the most distinctive features of the goliath was the darker (often vertically symmetrical) patches of skin that covered their entire bodies. Goliaths believed that these markings somehow explained or controlled their fate or destiny. For this reason, goliaths never tattooed themselves as this could affect their future.   Goliath skin was littered with bony growths called "lithoderms". These growths were roughly the size of a coin and appeared like studded pebbles on their arms, shoulders, torso or head.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goliath give birth to live young. They develop more quickly than humans do, and reach addulthood by their 14th year. Goliath can live to 100 years.


Goliath prefer to live in in isolated places, as they become quickly uncomfortable in crowds.


Goliath are omnivorous, and eat the same food as humans do. They require about twice that amount of food as an average human.

Sapient Traits


Goliath came to the world during the Golden Age, migrating from their primitive homes. Most Goliath tribes lived in the Wylderness during their first age on the World and even to this day you find relatively few of them in cities and towns. Their preference for nature and Wylderness made them devout folowers of Isha, who showed the Golaith great favour in aclamating to their new homes. Goliath arer distantly related to the Giantkin, and likely came from the same world as the Giants, although they have little connection to them other than their ancestral language.


Goliaths' most notable characteristic was their competitiveness. They kept track of their accomplishments and saw everything as a challenge. Those not familiar with goliath psychology would often get annoyed when goliaths constantly reminded them how many times a certain thing had happened, thinking them arrogant or self-centered. This was not the case however. To goliaths, score-keeping was a natural and integral part of life, not meant to belittle or demean anyone.   But a goliath's most fierce competitor was themselves. Beating their own records was the most satisfying victory for a goliath. They were also competitive with their companions and other goliaths, but were never arrogant or cocky.   Goliaths had little time for cheaters, gloaters, and sore losers. Goliaths never held grudges if they lost a fair fight, and would often repeat the goliath maxim that "Today's rival is tomorrow's teammate."   Their constant comparison to their past accomplishments could be hard on goliaths that failed to meet goals or measure up to achievements of the past. Goliaths would often feel dissatisfied with anything that didn't surpass a victory from their past. This unfortunate element of goliath psychology led many older goliaths to be very unhappy with themselves when they could no longer perform as well as they could in their youth.   It was rare for goliath adventurers to retire or live to an old age, as they often died trying to surpass their previous achievements. Permanently injured or aging goliaths often sought death in battle rather than succumb to an existence where they could not excel.   Trust and honor were the key aspects of most goliaths. This tradition of honor and trust meant that goliaths tended to be good overall. This combined with their competitive nature often led goliaths to valorous heroics. Goliaths were also notably daring and fearless. Feats of physical strength and agility, like jumping chasms or climbing cliffs, held no fear for goliaths. Goliaths were naturally curious beings and loved to explore.

Ways of Thinking

Goliath are competitive people, always seeking to prove themselves. They have the following mental traits:
  • Never lie to yourself or others.
  • Seek strength in yourself.
  • Proud of your phisique

Naming Conventions

Dependent on culture. Giant has short words with hard constinants, so Goliath names tend to be short, and have only a single syllable.

Beauty/Gender Ideals

Goliath have little notifiers of gender in their physioligy and tend to dress themselves similarily. They often try to accenuate their impressivle muscilature and dark skin patterns.

Relationship Ideals

Goliath prefer strong friendships and even stronger rivalries. Most people they know they will keep at arms length, but those who breach their inner circle are treated as family.

Ancestry Traits

30 ft. walking
Ancestral Language
Ability Score Increase
Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Natural Athlete
You have proficiency in the Athletics skill.
Stone's Endurance
You can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Powerful Build
You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. In additon, you can carry an additonal 2 weapons in your Scabards & Pouches.
Heavy Swing
You can ignore the restrictions of the Two-handed property for melee weapons, and treat any melee weapon as if it has the Light property, as long as it does not have either the Two-handed or Heavy property.
Mountain Born
You have resistance to cold damage. You’re also acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet.


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