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Half-elves were humanoids born through the union of an elf and a human.

Physical Traits

Anatomy and Morphology

Half-elves stood roughly around 1.7 to 1.9 meters, making them only slightly shorter overall than humans, and weighed in at 59 to 86 kilograms, making them heavier than elves but still considerably lighter than humans. Like humans, half-elves had a wide variety of complexions, some of which were inherited from the elven half of their heritage, such as a tendency for metallic-hued skin and inhuman hair colors.   Unlike true Tel'Quessir, however, male half-elves were capable of growing facial hair and often did so to distinguish themselves, in part, from their elven parents. Half-elven ears were about the size of human ones, but like elves, they were pointed on the ends. Half-elves were also notably more durable and passionate than either elves or humans, a unique result of the two races' blending.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-Elves are born from the union of an elf and a human, or from other half-elves. They mature at a slower rate than humans, and reach addulthood by their 25th year. They can live to 200 years.


Half-Elves have a connection to nature from their elven blood, and prefer open green spaces. However, are less tied to the land around them due to their human ancestry and can comfortably live in any environment.


Half-Elves are omnivorous, but prefer lighter foods, such as vegitables and fruits.

Sapient Traits


Half Elves have existed on the World for as long as humans were present. Since humanity is the most recent species to immigrate, half elves are have been around for less than a thousand years. Their people have had little time to develop deep histories like their elven ancestors. Half elves are born mostly in cities where peoples mix and the cosmopolitan lifestyles are more common. Lone elf tribes tend to have little contact with outsiders and half-elves are rare amoung them. Half-elves often form a bridge between both their peoples, combinig the patience and spirituality of their elven parents with the freedom and drive of the human parents. For this reason they are almost always respected members of society, although their experience of beign part of two different peoples means that they often do not feel at home with either.


Half-elves, as a result of their unique heritage, exhibited a confidence and strength of personality uncommon amongst both humans and elves, a result of the blending between elven perceptiveness and human passion and drive. Half-elves were natural leaders and negotiators, and, perhaps because of their reality of living in two worlds, were unusually open-minded. Some half-elves manifested this leadership through confidence and bravery, but others were cordial and polite, manifesting their force of personality in a subtler but no less effective manner.   Half-elves, like their fey parents, were free-spirited and chaotic, with a distaste for overbearing rules and regulations. However, like humans, half-elves have a pasionate drive towards their goals, and while they valued creativity and liberty like the elves, half-elves lacked the deliberation and patience that moderated these tendencies in elves. As a result, half-elves could prove unreliable and unpredictable allies at times.

Ways of Thinking

Half-Elves are pationate people, with a tendancy for personal expression. They have the following mental traits:
  • Focused and attentive
  • Greatly value freedom
  • Willing to compromise.

Naming Conventions

Dependent on culture. Elvish is a wordy and longwinded language, and this resutls in long elvish names.

Beauty/Gender Ideals

Half-Elves have more gender denominators than their elven parents, with the ability to grow facial hair. There is a stronger disparity between genders in their clothing styles, since sexual dimorphism is more pronounced. Whether a half elf prefers elven values over human or the other way around is up to the individual.

Relationship Ideals

Half-Elves, like their elven parents prefer fewer strong and stable friendships over large groups of friends. Their human side makes them active, and unpredictable, making their relationships either stronger, or causing them to quickly fall apart.

Ancestry Traits

30 ft. walking
60 ft.
Ancestral Language
Ability Score Increase
Increase one ability scores by +1.
Fey Ancestry
You have advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Skill Versatility
You gain proficiency in two Skills of your choice.
Half-Elven Focus
When roling with advantage on an attack roll or skill check, you roll with a third d20.
Magical Talent
You gain two cantrips from either the wizard spell list or druid spell list. Inteligence or Wisdom is the Spellcasting ability for these spells depending on which spelllist they are from.


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