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Half-Orc were humanoids born with orcish ancestry in their blood.

Physical Traits

Anatomy and Morphology

Half-orcs were, on average, somewhere from 1.8​ to ​1.9 meters in height and usually weighed around 70 to 102 kilogram, although this can greatly differ depending on their specific ancestry. Most half-orcs had grayish skin, jutting jaws, prominent teeth, a sloping forehead and coarse body hair, which caused them to stand out from their non-orcish parents, though their canines were noticeably smaller than a full-blooded orc’s tusks. Half-orcs as such appeared bestial to others, though amongst orcs physical apearance are as diverse as their number of different ancestries in their blood. Half-orc hair was most often black, though it grayed very quickly with age.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-Orcs are born from the union of an (half-)orc and another person. This other person must be able to give birth to live young. The child will always be born as a half-orc despite the amount of other ancestries in their bloodline, such is the strength of orcish blood. The lifespan of a half-orc is completely dependent on their other half. Half-ork-elves live much longer than half-orc-humans. As a general rule, half-orc lives are about 20% shorter than their parent species.


Half-Orcs are some of the most addaptable people in the World, and are able to live comfortably in almost any environment. Both in crowded cities and lone Wylderness are you able to find half-orcs living and thriving.


Half-Orcs are omnivorous, but prefer heavier foods, such as meat and grains.

Sapient Traits


Half-Orcs have existed on the World since the Golden Age of Plenty, when they immigrated from an outside world. Early Orcs lived a nomadic lifestyle, but settled down in cities and towns during the Age of the Silver Kingdoms. The orcish ability to reproduce with almost any other people has caused their population to explode over the ages, and they are now the most populous people in the World. Almost every location on the World has half-orcs living these.


Half-orcs are straight and to the point. This is often confused by other peoples for being dumbwitted or slow, but that is simply not true. Orkish people have difficulty with abstract thinking compared to others and prefer direct action over deliberation, but they are not slow witted. An orc would rather do something about a problem than carefully think that problem over.   The manerisms of half-orcs are tied to their ancestory and depend on who their parent is. Elvish orcs tend to be more deliberate than their orcish bretheren, and dwarvish orcs are often more stuborn.

Ways of Thinking

Half-Orcs are direct people, with a tendancy for decicive action. They have the following mental traits:
  • Direct, an orc does not mince their words.
  • Practical, do not overthink, action is what counts.
  • One trait of their non-Orcish parent

Naming Conventions

Dependent on culture. Orcish is an brusk sounding language with no more than three syllables, and orcish names often sound like a chalenging shout to others.

Beauty/Gender Ideals

Half-Ors apear as a larger and more muscular than their parent species, so they often must change dress styles to beter suit themselves. Since Orcish people are more muscular, they tend to accent their own physique as a sign of beauty.

Relationship Ideals

Orcish people tend to have large family structures. Kin means everything to an orc, and since family can include almost anyone, orcish families are often quite inclusive.

Ancestry Traits

30 ft. walking
60 ft.
Ancestral Language
Orcish, additional Language of your ancestors
Relentless Endurance
When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.
Savage Attacks
When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon Attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Orcish Blood
The traits of you ancestors are strong in your blood. Choose one of the ancestral featrues of your choosen ancestors. You gain this feature. The DM and player together will decide if the choosen trait is balanced.


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