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Sparklock weaponry

Sparklock weaponry was invented in the The Free Cities. It is a highly advanced form of conventional firearms that used exclusively by Free City guardsmen and Freecompanies. This exclusivity is due to the highly localized availability of the resources required to produce sparklock weapons and its speciallized ammunition. The political influence, and military prescence of the Free Cities has increased greatly since the invention and widespread implementation of sparklock weaponry. This has made the Free Cities very wealthy, whilst also making them a strategic point of interest.  


Sparklock weaponry make use a substance known as tintreach, a valuable alchemical compound refind from the sacred silverweeds native to the Broken Coast. Silverweeds are a species of blue algae that grow in massive kelp forrests. These marine plants absorb the magical energies of the Storms and grow silvery glowing buds as a result. These buds can be harvested and processed into a gel-like substance called tintreach.   Many creatures of the Storming Sea have multycoloured ivory-like veins throughout their bodies and carapace. These veins culminate in a centralized crystal called a Soulstone. Soulstones and their veins give creatures the ability to absorb energy from the Storm, and utilize it for their bodily functions or attacks.
Artefabrians had long since known that harvested soulstones and veins from these creatures allowed for the fabrication of magical contraptions. The hard part was powering these contraptions, since non-living soulstones generate only small amounts of power and recharge slowly. It was a dwarven artificer called Caitlin Fuineamh that discovered that tintreach can produce short busts of high energy magic when reacting with Soulstones. This discovery led to the first sparklock rifles. Firing mechanisms crafted from soulstones and barrels inlaid with ivory veins create wonderous and deadly weapons of war.   Sparklocks shoot high velocity kinetic projectiles that are imparted with Storm magic. The high penitration and magical stopping power make sparklocks especially suited to hunting large sea creatures on the Storming Sea. This has opened up new avenues of resource gathering for the Free Cities, and allowed their atrifabrians to create new wonderous fabrials using the havested soulstones.  


Chambered pistol. Often used as a sidearm, one-handed and allows four cartriges to be loaded simultaniously. High manouverability allows users to quickly deal damage at mid range.   Chambered Rifle. Most common sparklock weapon. Highly reliable mid- to long-range weapon with high stopping power that can deliver devistating damage.   Thundergun. A short range gun that deals damage over a large area. Single shot, but capable of loading cartrages with different effects.   Leviathan hunter. A large, heavy rifle that sports the highest amount of stopping power and penetration amoung the sparklocks. It can fire over an increadibly long range, but requires to user to be stationary when fireing, due to the high amount of knockback.  


Reload. The weapon can be fired a number of times equal to its Reload score before you must spend 1 attack or 1 bonus-action to reload. You must have one free hand to reload a firearm.   Spread. The weapon attacks each creature in an area of effect. The user roll an attack roll for each creature separately, and a single dammage roll.   Settle. A weapon that has the settle property is designed to be fired only when settled over a hard, stationary surface, such as a low wall. Settling the weapon requires an action or a bonus action (the character’s choice). If the character moves after settling the weapon, or drops the weapon, the weapon is no longer considered to be settled. Fireing an unsettled weapon means rolling at disadvantage, unless the user has a Strength Score equal or above the Settle score.   Penetrating. A weapon with the penetrating property ignores resistance against non-magical piercing damage.  



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