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Tritons were a people native to the seas of the World, originally hailing from the elemental plane of water.

Physical Traits

Anatomy and Morphology

Tritons were a humaniform race, notable in their many underwater adaptations that render them visually distinct from other humanoid races. Their skin was most commonly a deep-blue, but had also been known to appear as pearl, light green, or in rare cases, other mutant colors. Their hands and feet were webbed, and they had minor dorsal fins that run from their mid-calf and end at their ankles. They were notably shorter than humans, averaging around five feet tall.

Genetics & Aging

Trition children mature quickly in their first years, but reach early adulthood around 25 years old. Triton can live up to 200 years.


Triton require constant hydration of their skin to stay healthy and as such live closely to bodies of water. They can live in both salty and fresh water, but often prefer te openness of the sea. Triton tend to build houses on the coast in partially submerged dwellings.


Trition are omnivorous, but prefer eating fish.

Sapient Traits


Triton have existed on the World for many ages. They immigrated from the elemental plane of water during the Golden Age, and settled most of the coastlines. The ancient civilization of Triton that built wonderous cities under the waves were originally tasked by the gods to defend the World against the leviathans that came from the Elemental Plane of Water and invaded the material plane. These triton were chivalrous hunters that defended others against the monsters of the deep. Nowadays, these incursions are far less catastrophic, and most triton have changed their ways of life to sailors, fishermen, and Wyldefolk hunter gatherers.


The triton were a noble and kind-hearted people who valued the World and other peoples. Their tendancy towards arrogance aside, they retain much of the courage of the ancient trition, and would readily sacrifice themselves to protect others, willing to fight and die for the other people of the World. The fact that their name, ‘Triton’, translated to ‘guardian’ in their language is an example of their heroic nature.

Ways of Thinking

Triton are chivalrous and arogant. They have the following mental traits:
  • Help those who are in need.
  • Do not understand Landwalkers.
  • Have to live close to open water.

Naming Conventions

Dependent on culture. Aquan has flowing words and imposing names, such as: Ihlyn, Curvus, Jhulmus.

Beauty/Gender Ideals

Triton do not have hair, but have fins on their heads. Tritons of all genders take great pride in these delicate fins, allowing them to flow freely in the water.

Relationship Ideals

Triton have strong family bonds, and have a tendancy to be more formal with other peoples.

Ancestry Traits

30 ft. walking, 30 ft. swimming
60 ft.
Ancestral Language
You can breathe air and water.
Control Air and Water
A child of the sea, you can call on the magic of elemental air and water. You know the Shape Water cantrip. You can cast Fog Cloud with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast Gust of Wind with it, and starting at 5th level, you can also cast Wall of Water with it. You can cast each of these spells once per long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Emissary of the Sea
Aquatic beasts have an extraordinary affinity with your people. You can communicate simple ideas with beasts that can breathe water. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. You may cast Beast Bond on such a creature without spending a spell slot.
Guardians of the Depths
Adapted to even the most extreme ocean depths, you have resistance to cold damage.
Expert of the Sea
You have become an expert at moving through water. Your movement speed cannot be reduced from any water effects. While moving with watery areas, (swimming, walking through water, ect.) you can use a bonus action to double you movement speed while within watery areas.


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