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Computer Virus

A computer hack that gives a physical virus.

The virus spreads through the internet, the best hackers the government had on their side couldn't figure it out. It completely wiped out a lot of humanity due to the fact there were computers in almost every household. People ignored it at first since cases were small. They blamed it on stress or overuse of the computer, refusing to believe that a computer could cause someone to physically get ill. Then the cases grew to millions, then most the worlds population was gone.

The Symptoms

At first its a headache from maybe using a computer too much within a few hours turning it a migrane. Then a vessel in a eye well burst due to the brain swelling and a nosebleed. Within a max of forty-eight hours the person is dead from internal bleeding in the brain leading to multiple strokes. Some have heart failure before the strokes kill them due to the amount of convulsing that happens.

People who are Immune

There were people who were immune to the virus who became hunted, some willingly gave their lives to try and help save humanity. Others ran out of fear of the stories of torture that they heard, not the fear of dying. There were worse things then death. There were dctors and nurses who ended up leaving due to how badly the people were treated who were immune, some being kept alive to be experimented on that warned others to not let it happen. Others had escaped, but these were far and few. The government, or moreso the people who rose up after this all happened, had kids when they turned six tested to see if they were immune. They hadn't found a cure for the virus, but had found out how to test if someone was immune. Due to this, some parents would hide their kids. Others would allow it due to the resources and safety they offered in return for their children if they were immune.

Trigger Warning: This article can get graphic in describing the symptoms and what happens ot people are immune. Read at your own risk.
The title is a work in progress


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