
The trolls are one of the oldest races in the world and as semi-immortals some of them aren't even from previous ages.

Basic Information


Their physical appearance varies wildly; most have just two arms, eyes and ears. But some have only one eye or more than two, some have four arms and some even have horns.

Biological Traits

Trolls are one of the few semi-immortal races and therefore can live forever. This doesn't mean they can't die as they can be killed as they are vulnerable to daylight and fire.

Ecology and Habitats

The trolls live in communities underground in caves. They usually find a large natural open cave that they use as a community hall, reinforcing the walls with magic. They build their homes by carving magical doorways into the walls of the community hall with magic crystals. Doorways created this way close automatically and leave no trace except for a faint hint of magic left by the crystal that dissipates over the span of an hour.
Average Height
Males: 12 ft. Females: 14 ft.

Articles under Troll


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