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Master Vampire

You enter a dark cave littered with Bones.

You find it difficult to maintain footing DC 10 Dex check

You have the feeling you are being watched

As you turn to view this part of the cave, in an instant a towering goulish figure now stands menacingly before you
You have one reaction

You've returned. No one has ever returned.

It seems no one has ever had the privilege of leaving, either.

Neither will you. Those whom enter reek of fear. In you, I sense hope.
Your silver offends me. Cloak it from my sight. What kind of man crawls into his own grave in search of hope? Hmm?

  A desperate one. The Turks threaten to destroy my kingdom. With power like yours, I could stop them, save my people, save my family.

  How supremely noble, 'Nickname'. House of 'Last name', Son of the Devil.

  You're mistaken. It means "son of the dragon. " "Protector of the innocent. "

  Do your people know how many innocents you have killed? Was it hundreds?


  *Attacks but holds killing blow and says*

Lie to me again and I'll open you from your belly to your brain and feed you your intestines.


And when you put them to the Blade, what did you feel? Shame? Horror? Power?
Answer me!

I felt nothing.
A greater crime than the act itself.

  Then why spill blood if not for the pleasure of it?

  Because men do not fear swords. They fear monsters. They run from them. By putting one village to the stake, I spared 10 more. Sometimes the world no longer needs a hero. Sometimes what it needs is a monster.

  And you believe you know what it is to be a monster? Hmm? You have no idea. But I'm going to show you. For centuries, these moldering walls have been my gallows. For I'm bound to this cave, condemned by one who turned me. Oh' and I have waited an eternity for a man of your strength, your gifts, your will. A man worthy of the dark and all its powers. For if I am your salvation, you are mine.

  **smashes skull, bites arm and drains black blood into the vessel**

  Drink. You will have a taste of my power. The strength of 100 men. The speed of a falling star. Dominion over the night and all its creatures. To see and hear through their senses. Even heal grievous wounds.

  At what price?

  Once you drink, your thirst for human blood will be insatiable. But if you can resist for three days, you will return to your mortal state having sampled my power, and perhaps, saved your people.

  And if I feed?

  The price would be worse than if you'd never stepped in here. For I will be set free having granted the darkness a worthy offering. You will become its vessel as I am. A scourge on this earth destined to destroy everything you hold dear. Your lands, your people, even your precious wife and son.

  I would die before I harmed them.

  Indeed you will, I'm afraid. I, however, will at last be free to unleash my wrath against the one who betrayed me. And one day, I will call on you to serve me, my pawn, in an immortal game of revenge.

  This is not a game!

  Ah, but what better way to endure eternity? For this, little prince, is the ultimate game. Light versus dark, hope versus despair. And all the world's fate hangs in the balance.

  Then it will be my great pleasure to disappoint you.

Let the games begin.

  **drinks blood**
DC 28 Wisdom Save:
Feeling sick and weak

What NOW?

  Now, you die.

    You wake up near the side of the river outside of 'town'

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