Wallowing Marsh Geographic Location in The World of Arcadia | World Anvil
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Wallowing Marsh

A section of the twilight ring that acts as a giant swamp.


Most of the land here is covered in a thick layer of water that is about a foot high on the shallow ends and a couple of feet high on the deep ends. There are some raised bits of lands that sits above the flooded plains. Despite being completely open to the ocean, like one moment you can be sailing on the waters and then next you are in there, the water here is in a brackish state.


Most of the plant life there is is these tall grass like things that poke out of the water as well as these giant cypress trees with roots that extend far out away from it. Many smaller animals in the ecosystem use the plant life to hide from predators and the plant life keeps things from being blow away in Striker Storms or Geiser Breaks.

Localized Phenomena

Striker Storms: a phenomena that spans across the entire Twilight ring, these are freak violent storms that appear out of nowhere and go just as suddenly lasting no more than a good few minutes at most. The type of storm depends on where one is located within the Twilight ring, with types sticking to the natural biomes. For the Wallowing Marsh the striker storms take the form of these storms of high winds that bring down gallons of rain in seconds, with even some lighting on particularly rough ones.   Geiser Breaks: due to unknown reasons from underneath the water these boiling Geiser spew out hot boiling water into the sky at synchronized times. What is even more strange is the fact when they burst into the air is the sound they creating, this weeping cry of a person. What makes it worse is the water they spew is this thick green substances that still has water in it but something else as well. It has been found by some locals that it is edible.


The climate is mild, humid, and lots of precipitation.

Fauna & Flora

Most plants here are what  you would expect like Cyprus and Cattails. Most animals are what you would expect as well like Alligators and frogs. However there are also creatures that don't seem to follow these rules, those that seem to have caught the last dying breath of the goddess Arcadia. These creatures are usually stealthier having natural camouflage in the way they grow natural foliage on their bodies. One such is the yellow tailed serpent, a scaled beast that trails within the waters. It is large enough to eat an entire person whole with sharp teeth and this bed of natural grass like growth of their back they use to trick their prey.

Natural Resources

Water, wood from trees, alligators, fish, birds, vegetation.


Only the most brave (or stupid) go to areas like this with death waiting around every corner. If you hadn't grown up here or in the Twight Ring it is best of luck to you.
Wetland / Swamp

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