
Asheim is the largest of the Elven cities, and also their capital. The City rises up from the shores of the great lake, into the mountains above. The white buildings and their golden roofs are illuminated by the sun and reflected on the lake below. The city is elegant and wispy in its architecture. Spires and towers stretch into the sky. The Elven capital is a wonder to behold. This is the seat of Elven power in Coriss. The Theldrahel council meets to pass laws and judgment for the realm. The city is known for its magic weapons and armor. Many of which can be found in the markets in the lower city. The city is newly integrated (in the last 80 years). Many races can be found in the lower parts of the city, but less and less as you travel up the mountain side. The lyceum here is one of a kind. Its library is unmatched in all of Coriss. If you have questions of the past or arcane knowledge this is the place to visit. In fact, all of Asheim is considered a treasure trove of knowledge if you know where to look. Many make a pilgrimage to this great city.


There is a large Elven population, but all other races are present in the city.


Theldrahel council

Industry & Trade

Enchanted armor and weapons. Art and arcane knowledge.

Points of interest

Inns and pubs: The Spire’s peak (low end) Wanderers nook (low end) The twisted staff  The Mages’ keep Athrendal’s (high end)

This article has no secrets.


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