
Far to the east on the damp shores lies the town of Athun. A sturdy village, Athun is the hometown of the great Dwarven warrior Dam Kilmberstone, who fought and died in the fight against the invading humans years ago. Despite this, humans have become a part of the town and have interrelated without a lot of issues. The forest Athun is located in is perpetually wet due to the ocean on the east side, and the mountains on the west. Think Seattle. The homes are made of wood, and some stone. There are three mines in the area that bring in most of the income for the town.


Mostly Dwarves with a mix of other races.

Industry & Trade

Mining. Gems, metals, and precious stones.

Points of interest

Inns and pubs:
The Rusty Pickaxe
Kimberly’s Mead Hall
The Smiling Gem

This article has no secrets.


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