
Balmare rests at the foothills of the Tandor Mountains. It is a quaint town that acts as a launching point to the golden city of Gildin. Balmare Sits at the junction of two main roads, and the Sital Subet river, which makes it a great stop for travelers and traders. The city feels like an old Swiss or Norwegian city. Ornate wooden buildings and carvings populate the town. At the center of the city is a large pole, and atop of it sits the Balmare stone. On the Summer’s Crest, the stone lights up, and is rumored to open gateways to other planes of existence.


Mainly Humans


A council of elders lead this town. Each previous generation appoints a new council member.

Industry & Trade

Mostly travelers going and coming from Gildin support this town. They are also known for their woodworking, and clocks.

Points of interest

Inns and pubs:
The Prancing Stag– High end
The Bear and Respite

This article has no secrets.


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