
Deep below ground, under the Great Ern Mountains lies the new capital of the Iron Empire of KelenGaard. The original capital city, Hammerfel, was captured hundreds of years ago and it is now the city of Stonehaven, under the control of the Kingdom of Vail. The city of Brekkuv descends miles under the earth and mountains. Great caves and chasms form small and large domes to house the city proper. Large shafts bring air and water from the surface to the depth below. The city is confusing to navigate to foreigners, and this is by design. The city is like a labyrinth. The mines here are famous for their treasures. As the mines grow, so does the city, thus the city is always changing and moving deeper into the earth.   As a condition of the surrender to the Kingdom of Vail centuries ago, there is no emperor of KelenGaard. The Dwarves consider this to be a great insult, and many have tried to claim the throne for themselves, unsuccessfully. Vail has placed a chancellor in the seat of power to maintain control of the empire. Many feel this is a puppet position. The current chancellor is Erag Ambershard.


Large dwarven population.


An appointed chancellor rules over local regents

Industry & Trade


Points of interest

Inns and pubs:
The Stones Throw Inn - High End
Deep’s Keep - High End
The Treasure’s Curse - Mid End
Kindler’s Ale House - Mid End
The Trap Door -Low End


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