
On the eastern Dark Sea coast, Quatol rises up from the island it is located on. The city has been built upon itself so much that the city has been called the hanging city. the Metropolis rises far into the clouds. Bridges and walkways connected the different levels. The City specializes in magical technology. Airships and automatons were invented here, and are quit common. Quatol has many dark places for people that don’t want to be found to hide in. The city is an eclectic mix of rich homes and districts, and absolute slums.   The Grand Vaisear Kava Nanda is the opulent leader of the city of Quatol. He leads a life of pure lavish decadence. He takes care of those who take care of him. The people of the City tolerate him, although most of the poor despise him.

Points of interest

Inns and pubs:
The Widget
The Rock and the Roc
The Hidden Arch 


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