
The Roni People come from the The Province Resoni and the Sun Kissed Coast. Food, Wine, and religion generally dominate the topics of conversation with the Roni. They are known for their farming and blacksmithing. A Roni forged sword is considered to be the finest quality blade.


Major language groups and dialects

They Speak Basic, but also there native tongue of Rossilli.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Rosi believe they where created by the Sun God himself. The feel they are his chosen people.

Shared customary codes and values

Guest rights are important for the Rosi. Breaking the Rights of guests is considered so uncouth, that those who do are ostracized.

Common Etiquette rules

It is considered rude to turn down gifts or food from the Rosi. It is also Rude if a gift is not given in return.

Common Dress code

Men tend to wear dressy tonics with bright colors of Red, Yellow, and browns. The girls tend to wear light sundresses of cream and reds.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Gift giving and hospitality are very important in Rosi life. Food and drink are a close second.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Cremation is customariy for the dead. They feel as this returns the body to Pelor the Sun God.

Common Taboos

Breaking Guest rights.


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