
The town of Stillport lays on the western shores of Coriss above the foot. It is a marshy port town that caters to sailors and merchants that traverse the Kullven sea. It is a gloomy sea port, where people go to disappear or forget. Everything is slightly soggy and muddy. The houses are built up on stilts and walkways to ovoid the bog and high tide below. Ruins surround the town and lay exposed in the muddy marsh as a sign of the history of this area. A great forgotten city now slowly sinks into the darkness below. Stillport is not a place for pirates or overt thieves. The criminal element is more underground. The Blade has a significant presence here, and smuggling is the name of the game. There is a royal presence, but it's nothing a few coins can take care of. Stillport is far from the capital city of Blackspire, and it likes it that way.   Mayor Kingington leads the town with a blind eye to those who pay well enough. His appointment here was meant to be a punishment for his emperpraties in court back in Blackspire.

Industry & Trade

The town makes all its money through shipping and port fees. It’s proximity to Syn’s crossing and the royal highway makes it a favorable location for a port. Merchants have used this town, or this location, for hundreds of years.

Points of interest

Inns and Pubs:
Sea Drake
Maiden's Lament


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